Welcome to the second week of January and the fourth week of Capricorn Season. I hope all of you have finally settled on your goals and/or dreams for the WeRK ahead in this annual cycle. OR maybe you decided to say fuck it and you're not putting all the big pressure on your self. Either way is right way as long as you feel pumped up to get started!
Are you ready to get to WeRK?!??

This week may offer a little boost of actionable energy as Venus, the planet of our value and integration skills makes tense Squares to both The Moon's Nodes AND Uranus. It's time to reevaluate your true purpose and to let go of any bullshit that's holding you back. It's a great week to do something shocking with your appearance, fashion or 'beauty' practice. OR shake up a relationship in a way that aids in your healing by finding value in the original wound.
Mars will also Station Direct on Thursday, inviting us to review where we've been stuck and frustrated the most since this Retrograde cycle began on September 4, 2022. Mars' Retrograde cycle teaches us the value of being held back or restricted from a thing. Is there value in this?
Well, patriarchy and capitalism definitely put a lot of energy in trying to convince you there is no value in waiting or fucking stopping for any reason. The propaganda of endless production and productivity is why we're here, destroying the Earth and our SELF to endlessly grow "thee economy". This Mars in Gemini transit is asking us to sit down and really THINK about how, why, when and where we ACT.
Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Here's This Week's Video:
Big Ass Transit Of The Week!!!
Venus Square Uranus | 23.01.14 | 17:21pst
Pretty Ugly
This transit wants to draw out our inner weirdos. It wants to remind us that the sides of our self that we've likely hidden from this "be normal under threats of violence" culture might just be some of our biggest Magical Gifts and Tools. Lean into your weird and tend carefully to the harm that's most likely been done to you while you tried to keep it hidden.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will thru half of Leo, Virgo, Libra and a smidge of Scorpio.
The Moon will be in the Last Quarter Moon Phase.
The Last Quarter Moon is a time of Surrender & Release. The Full Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Last Quarter Moon is a time to take action on releasing the blocks that you discovered need to GTFO during the Full Moon Ritual. It’s okay if you check back & find that not everything is ready to be released. Trust your instincts. This Moon invites you to prepare the Compost that will brew into fuel during the Dark Moon & feed the Seeds of your Intentions in the New Moon.
Moon In Leo | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Virgo | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Libra | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Scorpio | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon Phase This Week
The Full Moon | In Libra | 2023 JAN 14 | 18:10PST | 24º38"
Moon Ritual WeRKshops Coming Soon!
This Week's Events & Reminders
January 16th 2023 | 9:00a - 11:00a pst
Please make sure you register for the next LIVE Q & A Session in Capricorn Season.
I will be sharing the schedule for all of the LIVE Q&A's for the rest of Winter next week.
All LIVE Q&A sessions are recorded and recordings will be shared via email.
If you have questions and cannot attend, please post them here OR email me and I will answer them in the session.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
I hope everyone had a delightful first week of the 2023 year!
This Mercury Retrograde has been an interesting challenge for me so I hope everyone eise is getting thru it more gracefully OR at least making it the best possible opportunity.
I am bummed I wasn't able to create content for us to walk thru this first Mercury Retrograde together in this BETA session; and also, isn't that soooooo Mercury Retrograde!
I will offer an online WeRKshop for the next Mercury Retrograde in Taurus to EVERYONE as soon as I can.
For Threshold Pathway Babes... this will definitely happen during this BETA session so we can prepare for that one in our WeRKbooks. Hopefully you'll all want to stay in this WeRK with me in the next round and new members will be invited to join too!
I am hoping to launch info about the next phase on January 19th so STAY TUNED!
I am so grateful for the feedback and support so far, please make sure you let me know if you have ANYTHING to share. I mean ANYTHING. I want to know about typos, errors, and things that confuse you; both in the WeRKbook AND any blogs or other posts.
I am doing edits constantly and no thang is too small or embarrassing for me! Please help me fix it before the second version of the WeRkbook is created! TIA MoonBeams!
And, as always, if you have any questions please let me know.
xo, d.