Hello Babes!
We're returning back to a specific point in the cycle. This week is an opportunity to not only look back at this last week but also the last "month". Especially in the framework of this new system of SweetAstro Newsletters. The first new AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead newsletter I sent out included the Leo Moon. This week ends with the Leo Moon. Tracking the cycles IS a huge part of SweetAstro WeRK, that's where the patterns are hiding. This is why we look back at our notes over these four collective weeks. Wanna know more about the How's and Why's of Reflection?

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Here's This Week's Video:

Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!
Sun |Capricorn Squares Chiron |Aries | 23.01.02 | 8:01pst
Lille You Is Worth All This Labor
This transit could bring harsh lessons about balancing what we want and need with what the collective wants and needs. It's anyone's guess who will be feeling the harshness... not really, it's probably gonna be the individuals already getting whooped by the collective getting whooped again.

Venus Enters Aquarius | 23.01.02 | 18:09pst
A Beautiful Future:
Venus enters the Sign of Aquarius and we're asked to consider WHY we value beauty the way we do. Why are we constantly putting people into boxes based on how they look and/or what they can do.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will thru half of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. and Leo.
The Moon will be in the Full Moon Phase.
The Full Moon is about reflection, rejoicing, & revelation. This Lunation is about seeing the true truths so we can rejoice in their gifts & opportunities even if they fucking suck. It’s time to honestly consider the shit we find in this part of our chart. There’s nowhere for our Shadow WeRK to hide during a Full Moon

Moon In Taurus | Sun In Capricorn
Moon In Gemini | Sun In Capricorn

Moon In Cancer | Sun In Capricorn
Moon In Taurus | Sun In Capricorn
Moon Phase This Week | FULL MOON

The Full Moon | In Cancer | 2023 JAN 04 | 15:07PST | 16º22"
Moon Ritual WeRKshops Coming Soon!
This Week's Events & Reminders
Please remember to share the AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead posts with peeps you think might be interested. I am trying to build a ComMOONity without too much Social Media influence so your recommendations of my WeRK mean the world. You can share links to posts and or encourage folx to sign up for the SweetAstro Newsletter if they want to keep receiving this info.
If you're in the Threshold Pathway please make sure you're getting my emails. I've sent out an email with Lesson One information AND several emalis about scheduling LIVE Q&A Sessions but I haven't seen many responses yet. Participation is key to a Beta Test process and I appreciate your time and I cannot wait to get to WeRK soon! Click this button to view your Lesson One Session.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions from everyone. If you'd like me to share info on a specific topic AND/OR to share any feedback please click the Give Feedback button.
Happy Square Box Calendar New Year Babes!
I hope you've had an enjoyable week! Don't forget to go back and review the last week of WeRK. What was up for you during last week's transits? Have you noticed any communication or travel issues during the Mercury Retrograde cycle so far?
Did you notice anything during this set of Moon Transits? Have you seen any patterns during the Aquarius, Pisces, Aries or Taurus Moon? What about the First Quarter Moon Phase?
Make sure you take time to review what actually happened in the last seven days; this is so that you can look back at these notes when we get to these Moon Phases next month OR when/if these planetary transits and cycles return again.
And, as always, if you have any questions please let me know.
xo, d.
And don't forget that I am now booking Winter Season 2023 Astrology Readings, Annual Memberships, and a few new offerings will be blooming too. If you've been wanting to WeRK with me here is a special code, only for SweetAstro ComMOONity babes! This code will give you 23% off of any Astrology Reading or Membership offer.