Astrology Forecast, November 27- December 3, 2023
This week starts with a Full Moon in Gemini. May this sparkly, bright lunation call forward the truths & shine a light on a way forward for un/reLearning the propaganda of colonialism. This may require a large dose of our Imagination Magic skills because Mercury, which is now in its Retrograde Shadow Phase in Sagittarius, sets a Square to a retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This transit can be a bit confusing but we need to remember that it's confusing because it disrupts capitalism and patriarchy NOT because being confused is inherently a bad thing. Let your mind wander and maybe you'll grow curious enough to look deeper into the world around you. Maybe you'll tap into levels of Imagination Magic you didn't even know you had AND maybe that will lead you to recover other Magical Gifts & Tools YOU can use to fight oppression and stand up to the colonizers. Maybe.
By Wednesday we see Venus join with the South Node in Libra (which means it's also opposing the North Node in Aries). This aspect could ask us if we truly value justice, peace, and harmony. It could force us to reevaluate what it means to be a freedom fighter or a social justice activist, especially since so many have failed to even do the bare minimum to protect the lives of others over the last 50 days. The Nodes will be in Aries and Libra until January 11, 2025. Aries and Libra have deep connections to every element of war. This is not going to be “another one of those situations” - This is the beginning of something bigger and more volatile. This is a moment in history and this Venus transit wants to know which side you're on, and what group are you in?
It's time to test the narratives you keep playing over and over. You may still be convinced that you don't know “enough” but, over the next few months of this new Mercury Retrograde cycle, which started on 11/26, is going to force our faces into the dirt. We are not going to be able to hang on to this belief that we need to “know enough” before we actm especially when the topic is the murder of thousands of innocent Black and Brown humans.What more do you need to know?
This Mercury Cycle is going to make us look at the shit we've been taught (see: forced) to ignore for generations. It's going to arch between Sagittarius and Capricorn as it pulls up information from the underworld. It's going to ask us what we believe and what we know. Now is not the time to wallow in your own guilt or shame about the past choices of humanity. Now is not the time to hide away or claim you're too “overwhelmed” to participate in the narrative shifts that are coming. NOW is the time to open your fucking mind to the truth: we cannot continue on the path of the colonizer. We cannot do the capitalism any longer and if we do not destroy it it will end up destroying the only home we have. Even the rich people won't be able to survive without clean air, water, fire, or earth. No one will be able to escape the occupations that extreme capitalism and colonization will need to bring in order to maintain its endless, insatiable growth patterns.
On Saturday. this Shadow Mercury sends a gentle sextile to Saturn in Pisces we have a chance to soften our hardened minds, letting some new ideas creep in and adjust our foundations. You can change your mind. That is actually one of the few things you have any control over in this life. Your feelings, your thoughts, your physical self. These are YOURS. Lean into un/reLearning. Ask for help with this if you need it. I am always here to support, reach out.
We will end the week with Venus in Libra sending a big, tense square to Pluto in Capricorn. And, as much as I want to try to make this transit have a positive bend to it, I am not gonna give us that. This transit can bring injustices that are so profound they can transform who we are at our core. This is especially true since Pluto in Capricorn is currently conjunct the Pluto placement in the chart of the US. That's right, the US empire is currently experiencing its Pluto return, and historically empires do not survive this transit. They typically undergo a profound transformation and more often they crumble and die. It takes 250-280 years for Pluto to return to the same location again. This is a big deal and while Venus is a benefic planet that typically brings forward value, beauty, art, love, etc. it is also a planet that can activate relationship issues, forcing us to reckon with the conflicts and to integrate new ways of relating and harmonizing. In Libra, Venus is very, very strong and one of its archetypes here is “the general”. It can lead its followers into a battle with an unmatched passion. And, as we've already covered, with Venus' interactions with The Nodes this week; time to choose your team MoonBeams. Time to make your relationship to the revolution known.
Are you ready?
An Open Invitation : Join The Burn Down
Ready To Build A Revolutionary Community?
Join me and my dear friend Aria Leighty as we organically create a space for coming together to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, resources, and support.
We know that there are deep wounds rising up in all of us. We are grieving, we are angry, we are questioning everything. We wanted to create a space to hold and process the emotions.
We created an organic Voxer Container that will run through at least December. A space to bring all the emotions, questions, confusion, new found fire. Find ways to channel it for good. And see what can be next for our businesses in the new world we are creating.
We staying open to the way this space will unfold and evolve. We are unsure of the many forms it could take or what it could lead to. We just know we have the resources and magic to hold space for a collective and are answering the call. There may even be a community call to bring us all together towards the end of the month- if that is what the collective desires. If nothing else, we will all walk away with a more aligned collective network and be able to witness disruptive conversations that may be difficult for us to articulate ourselves. And most importantly, to know that we are not alone in these feelings.
We made this container accessible with a low investment. This investment is to compensate the witches and healers for their energy and emotional labor.
You can sign up for only $99. We will email the Voxer link this Friday to make sure no one misses any of the conversation. You can join anytime in December- but with Voxer you will not be able to see past conversations prior to your join date.
You are more than welcome to invite others into this space…However. Please know. This space is BIPOC, INDIGENOUS, and QUEER led space . This is not just a safe space but a protected and honored space.
ONLY invite people who are going to uphold this.
This is a space for people that believe (and speak up for publicly)- Free Palestine, Land-Back, Black Lives Matter, Queer Liberation, Trans Rights.
Anyone who is deemed harmful can be removed without further warning or refund.
Are you still trying to learn more?
It can be a struggle to overcome the power and intention of a propaganda machine. If you haven't been actively decolonizing your SELF you may not be able to see around the media misinformation machine. I know that sounds like a fucking conspiracy theory BUT I promise you, it's not. Even the “liberal” or “leftist” media has been guilty of incomplete and/or biased reporting. Even I was shocked by this and I've spent the last year learning about Palestine via my antiracism/decolonization education teachers and mentors. It's not easy but it's also not that hard. It just requires a moment of discovery to learn the truth.
I've started a resource document of all the information I've gathered over the last year. This collection of information includes everything I've read, watched, or listened to AND some that I still want to find/read/watch/listen to. It also contains info that was created “on both sides”; meaning I have read a lot of books that try to hold up Zionism and IsraeliZAN ideologies.
If you want to know the truth about something like this it's best to start with hearing what it's supporters say first. I was pretty instantly turned off by this content but it also helped frame why it took so long for the Palestinian Truth to come out. It's exactly the same reason why we're still learning the Black American Truths today. It's why we're just learning about residential schools. It's why the GOP wants to keep us from learning the histories. So, as you dig into more learning remember to question everything you've ever learned before. Question the questions. Learn to trust your own voice, your own knowledge. You already know enough so go into your studies only wanting to listen to the voices of others. If you do that you will hear these beautiful, powerful people calling out and leading the way to freedom for all.
As always, happy to answer any questions or to talk with anyone about this very uncomplicated, clear topic.

Now, Let's Get Into The AstroWeathers…

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.
For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast!

Sagittarius Season
The Sun moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius at 6:09 pst on November 22, 2023.
The DARK SUN SEASON is here.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon This Week?!
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon.
I've added the MoonScope details into the sticker descriptions. If you want to read more about each lunation, click the sticker link.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase
The Full Moon is about reflection, rejoicing, & revelation. This Lunation is about seeing the true truths so we can rejoice in their gifts & opportunities even if they fucking suck. It’s time to honestly consider the shit we find in this part of our chart. There’s nowhere for our Shadow WeRK to hide during a Full Moon.

GENERAL U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings…
My Astrology Calendar is Open
Now that I have quit my part-time job and canceled all the collaborations and partnerships I had with folx who refused to stand up against a genoside I have more time to give to my revolutionary WeRK.
I am ready to move forward, focused on my WeRK. I know this WeRK is powerful. I know what I offer is an amazing tool for fighting oppression… How do know this?? Because being your authentic self is an act of rebellion in a culture that does everything it can to destroy our True Self.
Astrology validates that we are all one of a kind. We are all unique and we all have our own Magical Gifts and Tools. Most of this Magic has been taken or hidden by this culture but I can help you reconnect to it. We can talk about rituals, remediations, or remedies that can help you do this WeRK. We can find all the ways that you can be the part of this collective you were designed to be rather than trying to fit into a mold that fits someone else. I can't wait to WeRK with y'all in 2024.
I've also lowered my prices to reflect the current cost of living nightmare we're all experiencing. This fake economy is not going through a recession, it's now working to rob us of our capital so it can give it directly to the 2% who have recorded record profits since 2018. Just another reason to want to dismantle this fucked up colony, don't ya think? How can we do that together? Let's find out..
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.