December 11-17, 2023

Are you still trying to learn more?
I've started collecting resources on a goog doc AND I've created a separate blog about this fight for liberation that you can check out here. I'll continue to update it and invite everyone into conversations and actions we can all do to support this revolutionary (Pluto in Aquarius) movement.
As always, happy to answer any questions or to talk with anyone about this very uncomplicated, clear topic.

The AstroWeathers
Astrology Forecast, December 11-17, 2023
The New Moon in Sagittarius Arrives, closing out a very dark & brutal New Sun Phase AND really an terrible annual cycle overall.
Venus in Scorpio Trines Mercury, now in the last day of its entry Shadow Phase of the Retrograde Cycle, a powerful cycle that starts on Tuesday when Mercury Stations Retrograde at 8º of Capricorn.
This week holds two strong Trines; The Sun in Sagittarius Trines The North Node in Aries (and Sextiles The South Node in Libra) and Mars in Sagittarius Trines Chiron (Retrograde) in Aries.
Trines are very important for ongoing and sustained activism WeRK.
The week ends with The Sun in Sagittarius setting a Square to Neptune in Pisces. Both of these are ruled by Jupiter (Retrograde) in Taurus. The struggle for Truth will be pressured to be seen from a more spiritual and hopefully moral/ethical place.
Week Recap: The violent power structure that holds us all under its terrible thumb will only be defeated by individuals who are willing to do the mental WeRK to uncover the truest truths; the resistance to propaganda will be a battle of discernment in an intentionally disillusioned & cloudy world. The fear of being mean or of having our feelings "hurt" by words will be challenged by the realization that millions of people have died needlessly over the last three years.

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.
For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast!

Starting next week, December 18th, 2023, I wll be posting the Weekly AstroWeathers posts on Fridays. The videos will be posted on Sunday. And I will be hosting live Zoom Q&A sessions at least once a week, with a changing time that will hopefully allow everyone to find a time that works for them if they want to join in the conversations. Those times will be posted in The Sun Season posts.
Sagittarius Season
The Sun moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius at 6:09 pst on November 22, 2023.
The DARK SUN SEASON is here.

Capricorn Season
The Sun moved from Sagittarius to Capricorn at 19:27pst on December 21, 2023.
The NEW SUN SEASON is here!!

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon This Week?!
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon.
I've added the MoonScope details into the sticker descriptions. If you want to read more about each lunation, click the image.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. Review the The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did, likely in the last week. That was powerful release WeRK & The Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds in the compost you made from your Last Quarter Moon Releases. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is time to replace Magic & Ritualizing with Rest; this is a Radical Act in a capitalist society. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.

The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon Phase. This is a time of Rebirth & Renewal. We are reborn again after our death during The Dark Moon. This is a time to ready the SELF for action BUT before we act we must consider our intentions & check for internal assurance that those intentions are aligned with our higher SELF & the care of the collective too. We look back at the previous Moon Cycle & after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing, we know we are ready for a new path or project. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive. We have WeRK to do & seeds to plant.

GENERAL U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings…
Check Out My Astrology Calendar
New Openings & Business Astrology Offerings available in 2024
2024 Memberships Now Open
*NEW* Business Astrology Offerings
An Open Invitation : Join The Burn Down
Ready To Build A Revolutionary Community?
Join me and my dear friend Aria Leighty as we organically create a space for coming together to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, resources, and support.
We know that there are deep wounds rising up in all of us. We are grieving, we are angry, we are questioning everything. We wanted to create a space to hold and process the emotions.
We created an organic Voxer Container that will run through at least December. A space to bring all the emotions, questions, confusion, new found fire. Find ways to channel it for good. And see what can be next for our businesses in the new world we are creating.
We staying open to the way this space will unfold and evolve. We are unsure of the many forms it could take or what it could lead to. We just know we have the resources and magic to hold space for a collective and are answering the call. There may even be a community call to bring us all together towards the end of the month- if that is what the collective desires. If nothing else, we will all walk away with a more aligned collective network and be able to witness disruptive conversations that may be difficult for us to articulate ourselves. And most importantly, to know that we are not alone in these feelings.
We made this container accessible with a low investment. This investment is to compensate the witches and healers for their energy and emotional labor.
You can sign up for only $99. We will email the Voxer link this Friday to make sure no one misses any of the conversation. You can join anytime in December- but with Voxer you will not be able to see past conversations prior to your join date.
You are more than welcome to invite others into this space…However. Please know. This space is BIPOC, INDIGENOUS, and QUEER led space . This is not just a safe space but a protected and honored space.
ONLY invite people who are going to uphold this.
This is a space for people that believe (and speak up for publicly)- Free Palestine, Land-Back, Black Lives Matter, Queer Liberation, Trans Rights.
Anyone who is deemed harmful can be removed without further warning or refund.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.