Welcome to the last week of Pisces Season MoonBeams! Are you ready to leave Winter behind or what?

This week is a big opportunity for looking back on Pisces Season. This week also has a lot of fucking transits popping off so before you move forward into this week's WeRK don't forget to reflect on what you've already been thru.
Did you notice anything shifting with that Saturn ingress into Pisces? It felt like a big shift for me, but I also have a shit ton of Saturn energy in my chart and so far it
feels like a bit of a relief to have some of Saturn's strength reduced. I'd love to hear if you noticed anything different now that we're all under these weathers.
Once you've taken some time to sit with last week's big change energy you may find the gifts we could all be looking forward to this week. There is A LOT going on. What do you notice about this week's chart drawings and transits? As you draw this chart onto your own chart what Houses are these planets piling up in? Have you noticed any curious actions, changes, or challenges in those areas of your life?
With so many transits happening in one week, it can be challenging to know where to start looking for information from the AstroWeathers. In the new SweetAstro WeRKbook there's a whole section on how to prioritize the transits. You can watch that video here. It can be overwhelming and confusing to know where to start, especially when there are so many different things happening in such a short window. If you need support knowing where to start looking at transits this video will give you some guidelines. It's also not too late to order your copy of the WeRKbook! We will be digging more deeply into how to use this Magical Tool next week.
Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!! (so many!!!)

There are so many fucking transits this week that I couldn't pick just a few. Most are connected also so I am challenging you to look at the images and see what you think these transits may bring.
Which one is your favorite? What do you think they will be like just by looking at the graphics? Take time to look at each image and do some research on these transits in your chart.
I will also detail them in the video.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and a little bit of Pisces
Where is this happening in your chart?
The Moon will be in the Last Quarter Moon Phase.
Pisces Sun | SAGITTARIUS MOON | 23 MAR 14 | The Last Quarter Moon | Time to let that Full Moon Shit Go! Whatever you're ready to release is ready to go BUT don't just toss it out like trash... there is not such thing! We need to unlearn this idea that we can just cast our emotional & spiritual garbage out the same way we irresponsibly toss out our literal trash. Make an event of it. Make it a ritual, a dance, an act of Magic. Use this fashionable, fun, fantastic energy of Sag to clean out your shit with some flare! Make it a dance or a one person play; show the universe a radical act of drama because you mean fucking business about letting this shit go.
Pisces Sun | CAPRICORN MOON | 23 MAR 15 | What The Fuck Are Fucking Feelings For | When you have all the feels but you're stoic AF and you live in a shitty collective called capitalism so you try and try and try to hold that shit in until one day you have a spiritual dark night of the soul and you let all that water rush out and while it's not easy in the long run you become a spiritual guru or guide that builds new foundations for the spiritual enlightenment and education of others. The Wise Old Owl knows because it's walked this spiral path thru the labyrinth of life over and over and over. Just keep swimming.
Pisces Sun | AQUARIUS MOON | 23 MAR 17 | Not A Dark Moon, this time | OMG you are so fucking weird, it's wonderful. How do you come up with these innovations and deeply beautiful ideas and solutions? Well, by combining the energy of Saturn & Jupiter, duh. This mixture creates some very radical energy and emotions. If you asked WWJD if Jesus was real and they told the full fucking story about his radical ass... you'd get this combo.

MAGICmooning | Moon Phase & Ritual
The Last Quarter Moon | Sagittarius
23 MAR 14 | 19:08pst | 24º 13'
Here is the chart of the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini. Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

This chart is Virgo Rising. It is ruled by Mercury, which is moving towards a conjunction with The Sun (called a Cazimi!). Mercury and The Sun always travel together, going in and out of conjunctions as they move thru the chart. A Cazimi can mimic a Mercury Retrograde so watch out for communication issues or errors; we must also consider that Mercury is in detriment in Pisces so it's not going to wOrk the way Mercury usually does; instead, it's gonna look to divination and Magic rather than logic for answers. In the chart of this Last Quarter Moon, they are both in the Seventh House of partnerships, obligations, and agreements. It might be time to examine your Seventh House WeRK. Who are you obligated to and how is that going for you?
The Sun, Moon and Mercury are all being ruled by Jupiter in this chart. This can indicate big benefits but they are most often found in facing a truth or making a big growth move. Jupiter, which is currently in the Eighth House of mysteries, secrets, and deviance can show us a truth we need to face.
This lunation is activating the Seventh & Fourth House and Jupiter is hanging in the Eighth House. What needs to be released in these areas of your life? Is there a secret in your partnerships or your home life that needs to be released?
This Last Quarter Moon happens on a Tuesday so Mars is going to have the juice today. When we find it in a Mercury-ruled sign we can lean into this additional call to activate our divination skills AND, because Mars is currently about to exit its Retrograde Shadow Phase (fucking FINALLY) we can FINALLY access our passions and actionable energy after months and months of being held back. Mars is also the boss of that Jupiter in Aries so this could all play out in saying or doing something that really, really needs to be said or done. It may seem like a bad or dangerous idea but chances are a change needs to be made and something needs to be released. Lean into your divination skills and Magical gifts for answers on the best way to let go of whatever isn't serving you properly.
What Houses hold your Pisces and Sagittarius energy in your chart?
Consider those House keywords as you ponder what you want to let go of during this Last Quarter Lunation. Check out the Moon Rituals I designed below for more Magical options.
The Moon Rituals are now LIVE for Pisces Season!
Check them out here and let me know what you think!!!

Here's This Week's Video:
This Week's Events & Reminders
THIS Week:
SATURDAY, March 18th 2023, 10am - Noon pst (1-3 est)
We will review our Pisces Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Aries Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
Can't Attend? Submit your questions here.
<<< rsvp for the Zoom Link

I've opened up The Threshold Pathway II to everyone. This is still a BETA test period but I've decided not to restrict content to this membership, instead, I've made the SweetAstro WeRKbook available for sale and all the online content will be included with that purchase.
Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and to help me test these WeRKbooks. Purchase your WeRkbook today and the new Threshold Pathway II online content is already available online here.
If you want to get on the Threshold Pathway you'll want to order the WeRKbooks ASAP as the shipping can take up to three weeks (unless you select expedited shipping, which I recommend)
My Spring Astrology Readings Are Now Open!
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
It took a long while to create this week's post because this is gonna be a busy week AND then we're moving into Aries Season on Monday.
I hope to see more of you in this next round and hopefully indefinitely going forward in this process. If you have any questions about this journey please let me know!!!
Have a great week babes!
xo, d.