Welcome to one of those moments in time that we will very likely look back on one day MoonBeams! First off this week kicks of Aries Season/Spring/The First Quarter Sun. It's finally time to get Sprung, woot!!! AND...We're getting a big taste of our potential collective future transformations AND Mars is FINALLY gonna GTFO of Gemini after what feels like 782 years. Are you ready?!?!

When Planets change Signs we FEEL it. We're more accustomed to the Personal Planets (Mercury, Venus & Mars) making moves and we typically have one moving into a new House/Sign at least every six weeks.
Even the Interpersonal Planet movements are more familiar because they shift Signs often in our lifetimes (Jupiter roughly once a year and Saturn every 2.5-3 years). Saturn just shifted into Pisces a few weeks ago and I know I felt that shit, how about you???
This week we have two massive Planetary shifts. Mars moves into Cancer and Pluto dips into Aquarius. We will definitely feel Mars moving into Cancer for several reasons; one, it's been in Gemini since 8/21/2022 due to its long ass Retrograde AND two, because it's in its Fall in Cancer (meaning not at its best here).
Pluto will dip one of its long, gnarly toes into Aquarius after 15+ years in Capricorn. It won't be a permanent move until 1/22/2024 so this is just a huge opportunity for us to get a sneak preview of this enormous shift in the collective energy. Once Pluto is in Aquarius permanently it will be there until January 2044. This is a BFD MoonBeams. It's time for massive, collective, profound change to come and while this brief dip into the futuristic air space of Aquarius won't be a full-force ingress it's still gonna change the overall vibes around all of us. We will get into it in more detail in the video and then in a blog that I will post later in the week.
Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

ARIES SEASON | spring equinox, the first quarter sun, & ostara are here!

Aries Season arrives on Monday, March 20th at 14:24pst. Let's get in there and get fucking started on this Spring Magic!!!!!!!
Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

♇→♒︎ Pluto Enters Aquarius | 23 MAR 23 | 5:14pst |

♂→ ♋︎ Mars Enters Cancer | 23 MAR 25 | 4:45pst |
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Pisces, Aries Taurus and half of Gemini.
Where is this happening in your chart?
The Moon will be in the Dark and New Moon Phases.
Aries Sun | PISCES MOON | 2023 MAR 19 | The Dark Moon
This is the teeny, tiny space between the ending and the beginning... or is it An ending and A beginning? Probably, yes or maybe no. It's okay to not know RN. Everything you're afraid of is there to motivate and inspire you to go forward; fear is part of your Intuition Magic. We made it thru the darkest part of The Dark. We survived another cycle, woot! Remember what you learned in the liminal space of Pisces because the system we're stuck in will wOrk hard to make you forget it. Hold your fears close like they are a tiny baby bunny because they are valuable and precious, just like you.
Aries Sun | ARIES MOON | 2023 MAR 21 | The New Moon
They took your rage from you because it is powerful. Rage is another part of your intuition, it senses injustice, danger, and unfairness. It is the keeper of your boundaries and the tender of your tenderness. It alerts you to threats but not because it wants to make you afraid but because it wants you to know when shit needs a sharp course correction. If we all had our Rage intact we'd never have allowed colonization, these environmental extractions, the rise of patriarchy, capitalism or whiteness. We would have put a stop to systems of oppression in their infancy. The fact that we've been stripped of our Rage Magic was intentional. Reclaim the seeds of your rage and plant them in the fertile soil this long Winter Season created. Let's fucking bloom some Rage!!!
Aries Sun | TAURUS MOON | 2023 MAR 23 |
And let's do that planting and blooming without forgetting to rest and rejuvenate. Let's do that WeRK without forgetting to create space for others to rest and rejuvenate too. We need each other to move forward with new systems for meeting our collective needs. During this lunation take some time to un/relearn what resources really are and where they come from. We actually cannot continue to take from the Earth without agreeing to protect her. Her systems are strong AND delicate, perfect and vulnerable, light and dark. We must remember to heal the soil (and water, and air, and fire) if we're truly going to meet all of our needs. There is enough for everyone here and the messaging that there's not is also an intentional lie. Reconnect to the truth under these moonbeams, MoonBeams!
Aries Sun | GEMINI MOON | 2023 MAR 25 |
Once you discover all this new information about your Fears, Rage, and Resources take some time to speak that truth to anyone within earshot (even if they try to cover their earholes). Find a way to speak this truth to power too. This lunation isn't fuck around with being quiet or keeping things inside. Once you know, you can't "unknow" and there's no time left. It's time to say the shit that needs to be said, no matter the cost to you. Let your new skills with fear, rage, and resources combine with your feelings so you can pour that ferocious energy back out into the world. Speak up now.
MAGICmooning | Moon Phase & Ritual
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is Moon most Magical practices try to avoid Ritualizing. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.

The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon phase. This is a time of rest after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive & we have seeds to plant. Take this quiet time to consider, ponder, and imagine what you want your intentions to be. Write them down and hold them up to the Moon BUT consider waiting to activate them until the First Quarter Moon when the energy is ripe for getting shit done

The Moon Rituals for Aries Season ARE HERE!
This powerful Cardinal Season is ripe for fucking around and finding out. It's also a very rare opportunity to experience a Hybrid Lunar Eclipse with TWO New Moon's in Aries happening in this cycle. We're gonna get some hints into what the Eclipse Portal in Aries/Libra may bring us as it beings to activate later this year.

Here is the chart of The FIRST New Moon in Aries this Sun SZN. Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

Let's take a little walk into the AstroAlgebra and the AstroGeography of this lunation.
This chart is Gemini Rising. It is ruled by Mercury which is in Aries, still technically conjunct The Sun & heading for a meeting with Jupiter, the planet of truth. Mercury will be sharing this Aries space with The Moon, The Sun, and Chiron too. It's a packed House for sure. All of those Planets in Aries are ruled by Mars which is hanging onto the very last degrees of Gemini before it falls into the nurturing and sensitive waters of Cancer later this week.
It's important to note that Mars is in a Mercury-ruled Sign and Mercury is in a Mars-ruled sign. This is called Mutual Reception and it brings an ease to the energy flow between these two personal planets. The AstroAlgebra is asking us to combine the keywords of these two Planets in a mutually beneficial way; speak up for the vulnerable, fight for the right to learn, read, and know shit, and/or really knowing who/what the fuck we are fighting for???
The thing I got curious about is how Mars, which we know now has a lot of power in this chart, is ruling so many Planets in the 11th House in this chart. This is why the New Moon Ritual is all about how we as individuals are taking responsibility for defending the collective. I've been saying that "information" is going to play a big role in Pluto's move into Aquarius and I think this chart is highlighting something connected to that. Mercury is in a Sign that makes it super sensitive to the needs of the vulnerable and Mars is in a Sign that seeks out hidden information like a cadaver dog seeks out the dead. We need to fight for the rights of the collective to access all the information AND we need to make sure that everyone knows how to smell the bullshit as it sniffs around for the truth. We've activated a great deal of information super highways over the last thirty years but we've kinda forgotten to build the protective mechanisms we need to make sure those highways lead to places of integrity. Something tells me this New Moon is going to plant some seeds for changing that and that might kick of some pretty big intellectual fights.
What House is Aries in your chart?
Take a look at how you Aries and see what natural weapons you may have been born with to fight this fight. Look at your Gemini House too, just to see where you may be a keeper and sharer of information. We are all responsible for the next phase of the information wars AND for the remodeling of the information super highways... It's a big job but that's why we're not doing all of it in one day. We're just sitting back and thinking about it, getting ready to plant those seeds next week.
Check out the New Moon Ritual if you really want to get into it.
Here's This Week's Video:
Watch the SweetAstro WeRkbook Session

This Week's Events & Reminders
It's not too late to RSVP for this!
- SATURDAY, March 18th 2023, 10am - Noon pst (1-3 est) | We will review our Pisces Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Aries Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
rsvp for the Zoom Link >>>>
- TUESDAY, March 21, 2023, | 5pm - 6:30pm pst (8-9:30pm est) | Open session for any questions related to the WeRKbooks, Weekly AstroWeathers, Astro101, AstroAspects or general Astrology questions. And you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
- WEDNESDAY, March 29, 2023 | 2pm-3:30pm pst (5-6:30pm est) | Open session for any questions related to the WeRKbooks, Weekly AstroWeathers, Astro101, AstroAspects or general Astrology questions. And you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
<<< rsvp for the Zoom Link

Hey MoonBeams!
I am so excited to start the next round of the Threshold Pathway!!! It's not to late to join in! You can purchase the SweetAstro WeRKbooks anytime because all the content and instructions are recorded so you can always go back and catch up on them when you have time. If you're curious about the Threshold Pathway II you can always reach out. I'd love to have you on this journey but it will be an ongoing thing from here on out so you can always join when it works for you too!
For those of you who have your WeRKbooks in hand make sure you've gone to the Threshold Pathway WeRKspace to get started and then attend Saturday's Live Q&A Session if you can too! Otherwise everything you need to start using the WeRKbook's journal pages is included in this week's video! Let's fucking DO this!!!
I hope you all have a Magical Fucking Week! If you need ANYTHING please let me know!
My Spring Astrology Readings Are Now Open!
Use the DISCOUNT CODE : SPRUNG50 for 50% off an Intuitive Astrology OR a Natal Astrology Reading (while Spring spots last OR thru 3/31/23) AND 50% off the Aries Sun Sticker too.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.