I promise you a special post on this ASAP. I am seriously struggling with tech as Mercury enters it's Retrograde Shadow so I am being super gentle with my self. Thanks for your patience. The main thing to know about Eclipse Energy is this: DO NOT FUCK WITH IT. I don't recommend Moon Magic OR any Magic. This is a time to "hide" within and think about all the internal thangs you may be ready to launch over the next 18 months. This eclipse is kicking off the next cycle THO the last cycle won't officially be closed until after October of this year (we have one more Taurus Eclise on October 28th and that will be the fucking last one. And yes, that cycle felt so fucking long, OMG!!!)
We will also see the first Sun Square to Pluto in Aquarius this week so, it's probs not gonna be a light and breezy week my darlings. Good thing we get to prepare and anticipate that others may be struggling to understand WTF is happening. Take it easy where you can. Offer grace and support where you can. Reach out here if things to really off the rails and let's see if we can find some solutions and/or opportunities in the madness together.
We can fucking do hard things!

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

GOOD BYE ARIES SEASON... that was fun, right?

Aries Season arrived on Monday, March 20th at 14:24pst AND now it's almost over... take some time for that reflection WeRK!
WELCOME TAURUS SZN | Gather Your Blooms & Cover Them In Honey

Taurus Season arrives on April 20th, 2023 at 1:13pst.
Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

☉♉︎□♇♒︎ | The Sun in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius | 2023 APR 20 | 9:26pst | 00º20'

☿ S℞ ♉︎ | Mercury Stations Retrograde in Taurus | 2023 APR 21 | 1:34pst | 15º37''
It's not to late to plan for the Mercury Retrograde! Check out my online WeRKshop you can still download and prep for this powerful opportunity!
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Half of Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and most of Gemini.
The Moon will be in its New Moon Phase in Aries.
PLEASE NOTE: This will be a super rare, weird Hybrid Solar Eclipse so it may be best to avoid any kind of Moon Magic during this week.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? This is a simple way to FEEL the Astrology of the week rather than to try and intellectualize it.
How? Well, The Moon is the Astrological Body we're most connected to; it's so close and it literally revolves around us. When The Moon touches another Planet or point in the chart it "draws down" that energy into our bodies. Even if you're not a "luna"tic Moon Lover like I am, you still FEEL THRU The Moon.
This "drawing down" Magic happens with both the current collective transits AND transits to your natal chart. So regardless of whether The Moon is touching something in the sky or something in your chart the information (emotions, reactions, intuition) you experience or download via The Moon is very powerful.
All this to say, if you're struggling with tracking transits (either generally or in the SweetAstro WeRKbook) try ONLY tracking where The Moon is in your chart. All you need to do then is pay attention to where The Moon is moving each week.
PRO TIP: You don't even need to worry about the other collective transits until you get a really strong sense of how The Moon brings your feelings forward as it moves thru your chart. Of course, this is especially true if you're having a Moon Year OR if you're Cancer Rising (like me!) but The Moon has a special connection every being (and every other drop of water) on Earth. Lean into this friendship and it will shower you with endless love & a deep connection to your intuition!
Aries Sun | PISCES MOON | 2023 APR 15 |
This is a rare double Dark Moon in Pisces opportunity. Go back and review what was up for you during the last Dark Moon in Pisces. (2023 MAR 19 - 21)
This is the teeny, tiny space between the ending and the beginning... or is it An ending and A beginning? Probably, yes or maybe no. It's okay to not know RN. Everything you're afraid of is there to motivate and inspire you to go forward; fear is part of your Intuition Magic. We made it thru the darkest part of The Dark. We survived another cycle, woot! Remember what you learned in the liminal space of Pisces because the system we're stuck in will wOrk hard to make you forget it. Hold your fears close like they are a tiny baby bunny because they are valuable and precious, just like you.
This is a rare double New Moon in Aries opportunity too. We talk a lot about the weird energy of the Blue Moon, which is two Full Moon's in one "month" so we can assume that this double New Moon - which is also a fucking hybrid Solar Eclipse - will be weird af. Look back at what was up for you the last time this lunation occurred. (2023 MAR 21 - 23)
They took your rage from you because it is powerful. Rage is another part of your intuition, it senses injustice, danger, and unfairness. It is the keeper of your boundaries and the tender of your tenderness. It alerts you to threats but not because it wants to make you afraid but because it wants you to know when shit needs a sharp course correction. If we all had our Rage intact we'd never have allowed colonization, these environmental extractions, the rise of patriarchy, capitalism or whiteness. We would have put a stop to systems of oppression in their infancy. The fact that we've been stripped of our Rage Magic was intentional. Reclaim the seeds of your rage and plant them in the fertile soil this long Winter Season created. Let's fucking bloom some Rage!!!
Aries Sun | TAURUS MOON | 2023 APR 19 |
And let's do that planting and blooming without forgetting to rest and rejuvenate. Let's do that WeRK without forgetting to create space for others to rest and rejuvenate too. We need each other to move forward with new systems for meeting our collective needs. During this lunation take some time to un/relearn what resources really are and where they come from. We actually cannot continue to take from the Earth without agreeing to protect her. Her systems are strong AND delicate, perfect and vulnerable, light and dark. We must remember to heal the soil (and water, and air, and fire) if we're truly going to meet all of our needs. There is enough for everyone here and the messaging that there's not is also an intentional lie. Reconnect to the truth under these moonbeams, MoonBeams! And don't forget The Sun enters Taurus 4/20 1:13pst so this lunation is splitting it's energy between The Aries Sun and The Taurus Sun - this will only make the message above more intense. Taurus is LITERALLY the soil. How do you tend to the being that is the soil?
Taurus Sun | GEMINI MOON | 2023 APR 22 |
Slow down and consider the value of the information you're trying to grab and collect. Use the slower, more patient pace of the bull with the Fixed energy to reconsider all the data that's always streaming into your orbit. Sometimes it's best to just sit down and wait. This is behavior that capitalism hates so every time you sit down and simply DO NOT DO A THING you are fucking up the system. You are disrupting the machine. Use this process of waiting to un/relearn some patterns that are more aligned with taking care of your whole self AND your whole collective. We all need to rest but that can be hard when we don't really have mutual support systems. This lunation reminds you that you have more in common with the humans and critters that you see everyday. How can you build relationships and connections with them this week??
MAGICmooning | Moon Phase & Ritual
NEW MOON | ARIES | Hybrid Solar Eclipse
The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon phase. This is a time of rest after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive & we have seeds to plant.

I won't be sharing any info on the chart of this lunation. I avoid doing any Moon Magic or rituals during eclipses, even rare Hybrid Eclipses. Instead this is a good time to reflect on your overall Eclipse Cycle in Taurus & Scorpio WeRK.
The Moon Rituals for Taurus Season will launch after 4/19/23

Here's This Week's Video:
This Week's Events & Reminders
- MONDAY, April 17, 2023 | 5-7pm pst (8-10pm est) | We will review our Aries Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Taurus Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
<<< rsvp for the Zoom Link
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
A gentle reminder that Eclipse energy, even when it's this hybrid energy, is very chaotic and unpredictable. It's okay if you're not okay. That information is still valuable and it's wise to pay close attention to ALL your feelings and reactions, as well as all the strange happenings during eclipses. This is the first eclipse in Aries and it will be unlocking clues to what the next Eclipse Cycle in the Signs of Aries and Libra may bring forward. Taking time to review your Taurus/Scorpio WeRK is also super important and I'll be sharing more about eclipses this week. I really wanted to get that content completed and out last week but I had so many tech issues with the Mercury Ingress Shadow (as I typically do) I couldn't quite get there. But I promise I will at least make a video early this week and share it with you. If you have specific questions, please reach out and I can answer them in that video. Thanks for your patience and I hope these energies are gentle with y'all.
Love you so much,