Hey MoonBeams,
Here's to a new week! Let's hope it's a quiet and calm one after the last few weeks of Aries Season and that weird ass hybrid eclipse. The AstroWeathers may offer us that peace but let's make sure we check in with each other, just to see if we can be of service to anyone who is really, really feeling that Mercury Rx & Eclipse portal energy!

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Here's This Week's Video:
TAURUS SZN | mid-spring dreams

Taurus Season arrived on April 20th, 2023 at 1:13pst.
Big Ass Transit Of The Week!!!

♂♋︎□ Chiron ♈︎ | Mars in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries | 23 APR 27 | 6:34pst | 17º 07'
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Cancer, Leo, and Virgo
The Moon will be in its First Quarter Phase in Leo
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? This is a simple way to FEEL the Astrology of the week rather than to try and intellectualize it.
How? Well, The Moon is the Astrological Body we're most connected to; it's so close and it literally revolves around us. When The Moon touches another Planet or point in the chart it "draws down" that energy into our bodies. Even if you're not a Moon Lover like I am, you still FEEL THRU The Moon.
This "drawing down" Magic happens with both the current collective transits AND transits to your natal chart.
PRO TIP: You don't even need to worry about the other collective transits until you get a really strong sense of how The Moon brings your feelings forward as it moves thru your chart. Of course, this is especially true if you're having a Moon Year OR if you're Cancer Rising (like me!) but The Moon has a special connection to every being (and every other drop of water) on Earth. Lean into this friendship and it will shower you with endless love & a deep connection to your intuition!
Taurus Sun | CANCER MOON | 2023 APR 24 |
This Family Dinner will consist of a Six Cheese and Seven Meat Charcuterie Board, An Artisan PIckle Plate, and a Creamy, Spring Veggie Soup in a Bread Bowl served with Three Pads of Butter and a Mug of Amber Ale. We shall eat until we're sleepy and then fall alseep hugging after a good, long, nostalgic cry.
Taurus Sun | LEO MOON | 2023 APR 26 | FIRST QUARTER MOON |
When the royal house of Lions says it wants EVERYTHING to be made of chocolate and covered in gold flakes it is abso-fucking-lutely not kidding at all. It means fucking business. And it knows that it might seem ostentatious and extra to spend all this extra cash on chocolate and gold flakes but that's what it costs to have such amazing leadership. Pay it or die basic.
Taurus Sun | VIRGO MOON | 2023 APR 29 |
Who spent all this money on chocolate and fucking gold flakes? This is unacceptable. We're selling all the gold flakes immediately and we're using that money to buy medical supplies, textbooks, construction supplies, and healthy snacks for EVERYONE.
MAGICmooning | Moon Phase & Ritual
2023 APR 27 | 14:19pst | 7º21'
The First Quarter Moon is a time of action & activation. During a First Quarter Moon, we can pull the Magic of the New Moon towards us & initiate the first spark of growth our seeds need to spout. It is important to review your New Moon Ritual as you prepare this First Quarter Moon Ritual.

Here is the chart of The FIRST QUARTER MOON in Leo. Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

Let's take a little walk into the AstroAlgebra and the AstroGeography of this lunation.
BUT... let's do that remembering that, even tho it's a weak one, it's still an Eclipse Season and a weird portal is open. I don't recommend any Moon Magic during this time but I will break down this chart because we can learn a lot about Eclipse Astrology by looking at these charts.
This chart is Virgo Rising. It is ruled by Mercury, which is now fully Retrograde in Taurus. This is a Sign that Mercury moves slowly and methodically in. We find this Mercury Retrograde in the 9th House of Enlightenment, global travel, and Astrology. This is a great space to do some big scale mindset editing as well as some deep spiritual exploration.
The 9th House us where we explore other ideologies and cultures but it's also a House of divine communication with the collective and the Universe at large. So, even tho this is the chart of a lunation that occurs during an Eclipse cycle we can stay open to divine messages from the Universe and from the Earth too.
There is a lot going on in the Sign of Taurus and we've already seen so much disruption to global systems, especially those that transport goods, since Uranus moved in here in May 2018. I was just thinking about how strange it is that we've had so many train derailments and factory explosions in the last few weeks & months. Maybe you missed it but we have. It seems like this Eclipse energy may be trying to show us that we can't continue to stay connected globally if we're not going to address how dangerous and harmful our current industrial production and transportation systems currently are. Hopefully, the shift of Mars into Leo in a few weeks doesn't add fuel to these shocking shifts & literal explosions... time will tell.
This Lunation happens on Thursday which is Jupiter's Day and we see Jupiter inching ever closer to entering Taurus. On this day it's in Aries in the 8th House and that may further the exploration into our shared resources and how important it is to have commerce in order for everyone to have what they need to thrive BUT it can't be done in the same old way and Jupiter may show us even more truths about why we have to expand the way we think about this and then it may open opportunities for us to act on that call for change.
I am curious about how the mutual reception between Venus and Mercury may also impact this conversation about commerce and transportation. Mutual Reception happens when Planets are in each other's Signs... Venus rules Taurus and Mercury rules Gemini and they've swapped happy places. This could have us trying to find value in transportation data while we analyze the physical impact of our current (mis)behaviors on the Earth. Think about that as you move thru this First Quarter Moon in Leo; how can we change the way we move goods so that everyone, including the Earth, is valued and able to thrive?
We see The Moon in Leo in the 12th House so some of what comes up today may impact our repressed fears about resources or maybe even about our current rulers (government or leaders). Here's to hoping this energy continues to move that famous Leo, aka: the orange beast, closer to being imprisoned and dethroned for good (fingers crossed!).
For extra juice consider how this lunation chart lands in your natal chart...
What House is Taurus in your chart?
What House is Leo in your chart?
What are these two Houses themes and can you connect those vibes to your FQ Moon WeRK?
The Moon Rituals are on hold for Taurus Season.
I can't believe it didn't register last week that this was an Eclipse Season Portal and no Moon Magic should be done during that window. Instead I will create the Lunation Chart Delinations (above) and talk more about things we can do during Eclipse Cycles in the weekly video...

I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
I feel like this could be a quiet week and I am super hopeful for that. This is an Eclipse Season and even tho I know that (and have known that for since Capricorn Season!) I still keep acting like I should be able to just get all the things done. But I fucking can't. And, that's okay. I am doing great... especially after an entire month of being super sick AND having that kick up a bunch of my old chronic issues. I may need to let a few things go in order to be certain that I have enough time for self-care and healing AND doing my WeRK. Since Taurus is my 11th House of groups, hopes, and dreams that may mean cutting back on a few services or contributions here. I guess we will have to see what happens after I sit with and move thru this Mercury Retrograde...
I wish you all a quiet, chill week with lots of time to reflect on your Mercury Rx and Eclipse Season WeRK!
xo, d.

Hello again love, I’m not seeing a blog post/ blurp on this weeks ‘Big Ass Transi’t of the week on this page. But I’m finding all the info I need on the video…
I wasn’t sure if you wanted it on this page, or not:)
but I LOVE the astro art for Mars in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries. Its powerful work, and super important questions and notes for me. I know its not always easy, but I’m so proud to be able to live in a world where I can raise my babies with these valuable topics and conversations happening.
love Yew
The moon notes this week are so spot on. Its like the Taurus sun encourages the Moon signs to fully/ deeply embody what it fuckin wants(needs). Authentic moon notes & Vibes & I’m especially indulging on the Cancer moon 4/24 haha