Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.
For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast!

This Week's Video Will Be Posted On 9/8
Virgo Season
The Sun moved into Virgo at 2:02pst on August 23, 2023.
We made it into the second half of Virgo Season and Mercury is now moving in Direct motion in Virgo also. What have you learned so far? What have you cleansed?
How y'all doing?
Make sure you do your review WeRK here to get the most juice out your Virgo house!

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will be in Leo, Virgo, and Libra this week.
The Moon will move through the Dark Moon in Leo & the New Moon in Virgo Phases.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon
Virgo Sun | Leo MOON | the dark moon
Hard-working, multi-talented celebrity energy that taps into that Dark Balsamic Moon placement to create deep, emotional art which attract us all to them BUT they will keep everyone at a distance because no one will ever really be good enough or love them enough to satisfy. Very close to perfection.
Use this Dark Moon energy to really consider how your life would be different if you became a disruptor.
Virgo Sun | VIRGO MOON | the new moon
This lunation continues to ask us if we're speaking the truth, are you ready to do that now? Are you ready to peel back the layers of what blocks you and makes you afraid to express your true SELF? Are you ready to heal those inner, psychic wounds?
2023 SEPTEMBER 14 @ 18:21pst
Virgo Sun | LIBRA MOON |
Step back into a beautiful, well-balanced, visually pleasing light of the last days of this heart-wrenching and enlightening summer. Use this lunation to cleanse away the Dark WeRK of the last few days, weeks, and Sun Cycles of Summer. Look forward to Libra Season when we will step fully into the darkest days of this Annual Cycle and celebrate. Prepare to step in without the fear and resistance we've learned from patriarchy and capitalism. There is nothing to fear in The Dark my loves. Leave behind the fear and honor the wounds of whiteness we've found and tended this Summer. Prepare the compost bins for that hurt and harm knowing that WeRK is a pathway to justice for all. Think about how you'll do better in this next cycle now that you've cleansed away so much shit.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is Moon most Magical practices try to avoid Ritualizing. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.

The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon phase. This is a time of rest after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive & we have seeds to plant.

The Virgo Season Moon Rituals Are Live
How is this cycle going for you so far?
Dark Moon in Leo & Virgo | September 12 -14
Don't forget that Dark Moons aren't really designed for Rituals, they are more for deep introspection and contemplation. They can be used for banishment but we should consider simply using them as a time of rest before the New Moon comes instead.
New Moon in Virgo | September 14, 2023 | 18:39pst | 21º59'
NEW MOON THOUGHT & JOURNAL PROMPTS: This lunation continues to ask us if we're speaking the truth, are you ready to do that now? Are you ready to peel back the layers of what blocks you and makes you afraid to express your true SELF? Are you ready to heal those inner, psychic wounds? What will your new systems and structures of self and collective protection look like? Maybe you're not ready yet, and that's okay… but what's your healing plan as you move into this WeRK? What's your plan to get ready?

SweetAstro Collective | UPDATES, prep tools, how-to videos, & more…
The SweetAstro WeRKbooks | Fourth Edition
If you want to get the WeRKbook before Libra Season arrives you'll want to order it ASAP. Make sure you read the Shipping Tips so you can get the WeRKbook in time for Autumn preparations.
Everything you need to know about the SweetAstro WeRKbook can be found here.
The Last Threshold Pathway in this BETA TEST Cycle Is Here! The SweetAstroWeRKbook 4.0!!
I love this FINAL BETA test version of the WeRKbook y'all! It's been a year in the making and the intenSion is to launch officially in Capricorn Season. Thank you to everyone who has participated and shared feedback, suggestions, confusions, and struggles with me. YOU made this WeRKbook too!
NEW Version of The WeRKBOOKS Available!
Meet The MOONlite Version of the WeRKbooks
This is a lite version of the SweetAstro WeRKbook called the MOONlite WeRKbook.
It's similar but simplified, focusing on only Sun & Moon transits to your chart. It still has weekly journal pages (but fewer) as well as prep pages for Moon Rituals, divination pages, three Sun Seasons, and one Quarterly prep page too.
It's still a Magical planner for the next three months so please check it out! This will be part of the last round of WeRKbook BETA testing so I appreciate everyone who has been participating & sharing feedback so far.
Who is this WeRKbook for? If you found the SweetAstro WeRKbook to be too complicated or intense for your current lifestyle this WeRKbook may be a better starting point for you. It's also more gentle for those of you who don't have as much Astrology experience.
The MOONlite WeRKbook is also available for the first time DIGITALLY. So, if you've been wanting to try out a paperless version of the WeRKbook offerings, now is your chance.
I look forward to your feedback and if you'd like to share this with your peeps you are more than welcome to do that AND thanks in advance for helping me grow the test audience. I know there is a group of you doing this like a book club and I've heard great things about doing this WeRK with accountability buddies (so fun!)
Of course, the full SweetAstro WeRKbook 4.0 will also be available (launching 9/6) so look out for that if you want to keep going on that trajectory.
Click the links above to get your copy of the MOONlite WeRKbook…
Don't forget to check in on your Mercury Retrograde in Virgo WeRK!
Mercury is now DIRECT! We made it thru the Retrograde motion portion of this cycle. BUT don't let Pop Astrology on the socials fool you into thinking it's over! Mercury must travel back over the part of your chart it just peeled back and examined with Virgo-like criticism and analysis. We've been given the opportunity to see underneath and into the underworld in this part of our charts. We have been given gifts that can allow us to un/reLearn important shit. We have cleansed out some things that may have been difficult BUT the exit shadow phase is our chance to integrate and reframe things using these new Magical Gifts and Tools. It may not be easy to see or find them so it's important to take the time to reflect on the whole cycle. Look back to what's been glitchy, confusing, frustrating, and upside down since August 4th. That's likely where the Magical Gifts and Tools are hidden. You are worthy of this WeRK MoonBeams. Remember, you don't hate Mercury Retrogrades… you hate capitalism. Let me know if you need help with this WeRK. I am here for it.
MERCURY retrograde | VIRGO
Enters Shadow
|8/4/2023 @ 8º Virgo
Stations Retrograde
|8/24/2023 @ 21º Virgo
Stations Direct
|9/15/2023 @ 8º Virgo
Exits Shadow
|9/30/2023 @ 21º Virgo

Venus Retrograde in Leo | REFLECTION REMINDER!
Venus is starting to move forward, speeding up a little each day. Now that it's rolling back over those tender spots it's already evaluated and reevaluated twice in this cycle it's ready to being the integration process. It's ready to show you how to squeeze the best juice out of this often grueling proess.
Where's the juice babes?
Venus Retrograde in Leo Timeline
Enters Rx Shadow June 20 at 12º
Stations Retrograde July 23 at 28º
CORRECTED>>Stations Direct September 3 at 12º
Exits Rx Shadow October 7 at 28º

GENERAL U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings…
My Astrology Calendar is Open
So many shifts and changes my dear ones! I am happy to say I was able to sit down and locate all the times available in my calendar for Winter!
And because all the Waiting Circle and Wait List folx were quick to snap up the new Autumn Sessions AND because I had so many cancellations and reschedules in Virgo Season there ended up being a few spots open in my Autumn Season calendar too (September 23 - December 20th). Those Autumn dates are already almost gone as folx have been sharing the reopening with friends BUT the Winter Season has lots of dates open between December 21-March 20.
I hope you'll be able to find a date that works for you to schedule a session soon.
OH AND… I have seven Membership spots open for Winter Season SO… if you want to get in a Membership package for the New Year you'll want to book your Intake Session ASAP. I do have payment plans and special offers available so reach out if want to know more about those options.
The Art Journals are making me so happy and I am already planning to create a new round for the HollerDAZE. It's been so fun to add little gifts and notes to the packages going out to y'all. Thanks for the support and I can't wait to see what you do with your journals!
CHECK OUT MY JENNIFER MAGAZINE ARTICLE | Virgo Season. Rewriting The Health & Wellness Doctrine of Capitalism
Don't forget that you can revisit my July article in Jennifer Magazine as part of your Leo Season reflection WeRK. There is some good stuff in there MoonBeams so even if you read it at the beginning of the month I recommend going back and reading it again to see how it lands now.
Check out the other articles in Jennifer Magazine too. I am so honored and excited to be part of this disruptive and influential publication.
For Virgo Season I wrote an article about using Mercury Retrograde cycles to do deep personal ShadowWeRK while also fighting capitalism, patriarchy, and whiteness. It's good stuff.
Subscribe to receive more delicious content from Jennifer Magazine too!


RECAP ON THE CARD OF THE WEEK: Since I always think of Tarot as the most Virgo Tool ever I thought it would be fun to pull a card for each week during the rest of the Mercury Retrograde Cycle, especially since it's rolling thru Virgo and doing all this weird shit to me.
I also thought it would be fun NOT to talk about or share any interpretations of the cards. Instead, I invite YOU to do some research about the card and how it relates to your week. Add this to your journaling and notes. I'll do the same. Then, after this cycle is done I'll lay them all out and we can see if there's a bigger message or interesting pattern there. Sound fun?
Personal Updates:
Here are some photos of my Moon Ritual WeRK: I think it's hilarious that one, I forgot to take pictures of last week's Moon Ritual WeRK I was doing and two, my husband dumped out one of my bowls of Magical compost like he's fucking new. So that's why I forgot to take pictures, I was calmly trying to deal with that disruption and frustration, LOL. It's hard to be married to a muggle with such strong Virgo placements compelling him to clean the most random shit.
I love when y'all share photos of your Moon Rituals and your WeRK in your WeRKbooks!
I actually made a reel on IG about preparing for the Full Moon in Pisces. If y'all want to share your Moon WeRK process or images… I always love to see them!
If you haven't checked out the Moon Rituals yet, I hope you'll get in there and soak up some of the Magic that's flowing through me to y'all.
The Virgo Season Moon Rituals are always big for me! Must be because I have Virgo in the House of the Goddess (3rd House)

I always love my Virgo Season Seasons. The alignments, the literal connections, the HUGE duh moments, and all the Woo coming out of the closet. So beautiful. Have you noticed these same Virgo energies around you? Even with the Mercury Retrograde happening here I can't help but be so excited about how Virgo Season puts the WITCH SHIT energy back into my life.
I am super excited and prepared for my surgery next week and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes and offerings of gifts and support… Y'all are the fucking best, seriously. If you want to send me something, reach out first and I'll give you a better address. The address below is my PO Box so I won't be heading over there for a few weeks. If you sent me anything let me know so I can pick it up.
I will be at some IRL events in September if you want to come see me...
Meet The Author 9/22 Come meet Alyssa Zander and grab your copy of Healing The Mother Wound (y'all this book is Magical. It is Magical Spells. It is such a wise thing to align with as we move from Virgo to Libra Season! Ugh. I love it.
Upper Left Ladies Summit Mini Event 9/24 This is a Magical Networking/Biz Owner Collective. If you own a business and you're looking for a community of weirdos and woo babes this is a great place to check out.
Give Grief A Voice Gala, Buzzy's Bees Annual Art Reveal & Fundraiser 9/30 Join us for an evening gathering of love, art, and camaraderie at The Greatroom in Beaverton, Oregon as we unveil the commissioned art pieces inspired by the 10 families who shared their stories with our Give Grief a Voice project this year. I will be sharing two new pieces I created for Buzzy's Bee's families this year. I would love to see some familiar faces AND show you that loss and grief that is shared is powerful healing that leads us to unexpected places of hope, joy, and connection.
I also invite you to take a deeper look at Buzzy's Bees. This is the Death and Grief WeRK I am doing and it's so precious. If you have the privilege of giving end-of-year gifts OR you want to find ways to help this impactful organization, please do. Here is a link to view all the art they've created for families over the last five years. See if you can figure out which are mine; there are 11 of mine in the mix (PS: You'll be surprised because almost every single piece is different and that's because the kiddos heavily influence every piece!).
I am so excited my calendar is finally open again and I am seeing so many familiar faces popping up, even before I've officially launched this update. This is my business and it supports me but it's so much more than that too. Being able to WeRK with y'all one-on-one is so healing; for you hopefully but also for me. This weekend only I am offering a special 18% discount on entire orders. That means readings, memberships, workbooks, art, commissions- anything in the store. 18% off your whole order. The Code is HEALINGMOON. This discount is valid from 9/8-9/10 (midnight), one per customer (feel free to share).
Thank you again for being here with me and taking the time to dive into the WeRK with me. I love you all so much and I hope to see you soon!!!
xo, d
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
The Buzzy Bee art, so beautiful, has me tearing up<3