Astrology Forecast, November 13 - 19, 2023
First, this week brings us back into The Darkness and hopefully some intense personal & collective ShadowWeRK, with the New Moon in Scorpio at 1:27am pst. Then by late morning, The Sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus, still Retrograde in Taurus. On Wednesday, we get some gentle sextile energy flowing from Mercury in Sagittarius to Venus in Libra followed by both The Sun & Mars sending a trine to Neptune (Retrograde) in Pisces on Friday.

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.
For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast!

This Week's Video:
Scorpio Season
The Sun moved from Libra to Scorpio at 9:20 pst on October 23, 2023.
Last week of Scorpio Season is upon us. What have you learned?

Sagittarius Season
The Sun moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius at 6:09 pst on November 22, 2023.
The DARK SUN SEASON is here.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon This Week?!
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase
The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon phase. This is a time of rest after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive & we have seeds to plant.

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