Here's This Week's Video:

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Cancer Season
The Sun moved into Cancer on June 21 at 7:57pst.
This week will take us to the mid-point of Cancer Season. What have you noticed, felt, experienced, or liked/disliked about this watery AstroWeather? Make sure you look back at the goals and intentions you set at the beginning of Cancer Season; what's aligned? What needs to be edited or removed?

Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

Mars Enters Virgo
The Magic is focused on Fire Alchemy. The healing is forged and ritualized with a knife, a needle, and a stitch. Dried herbs, tea, and bread for everyone. Watch out for how this culture has weaponized the gifts of Virgo; examination, discernment, analytical thinking, and criticism. These skills are imperative for noticing and calling out propaganda, false narratives, and harm but these systems intentionally have us turning that Virgo WeRK inward and onto our neighbors so we don't see the poison in the water and the hypocrisy in the indoctrinations. Reclaim your Virgo powers.

Mercury in Cancer Opposes Pluto Rx in Capricorn
The last time this transit will occur in our lifetime, in our children's lifetime. Speak the harsh truths about the traditions, the nostalgia, and the laws that govern FOR oppression and whiteness. Profoundly change your mind/set and mutate your beliefs at a cellular level. Examine the fucked up way this culture has imprinted instructions for how we're to move thru the toughest emotions we face and recreate a new portal for NOT doing that shit anymore but instead doing our ShadowWeRK like it's our fucking J.O.B. (because it actually is).

Mercury Enters Leo
Sing your songs of joy, glory, Magic, and self love. Tell everyone how powerful, creative, Magical, fun, beautiful, and silly you really are. Know that these things are true about you. Invite everyone you meet to tell you three of these affirmations about themselves and notice when they cannot do it because patriarchy and whiteness has shamed them away from this Radical Self Love and forced them to feel guilty about it instead.

The Sun in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries
This solar square follows the trine aspects from both Mars & Venus in Leo (in June) and the square aspect Mercury made from Cancer last week. Now that all of the personal planets have made these engagements we have a shitload of new information about our SELF. Our Chiron WeRk can reveal new keyholes and new keys. But, this Chiron WeRK is tricky because it asks us to dig into the sometimes subtle wounds and the “other people have it worse” childhood slights we often old at arms length. It's asking us to ask our SELF, why are you like this? Is it because you want to be or is it because the system gave you a box and you squeezed into it?
As this Chiron in Aries cycle continues (Chiron will be in Aries until April 2027) we are fighting against the societal rules about who governs identity, aka: identity politics. This is why we're seeing this rise in awareness of alternatives to the binary systems of whiteness. This is our chance to destroy those boxes and just let that little child in you be in charge of how you identify and how you want to be seen. Yes, you can be whatever you want to be and that really has very little to do with your career or the talents you have that can be commodified. If you want to be a dinosaur or a mermaid, you actually can be (if only Magically). If you want to try to be an astronaut or a ballerina, you can. Heal those expectations and the codes of conduct this toxic system has cast over everyone and the possibilities are endless… or at least worth imagining and being playful with. Why not?
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer
The Moon will travel thru a long Dark Moon Phase in Gemini but it won't be reborn as a New Moon until next Monday.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon
Cancer Sun | TAURUS MOON |
2023 JULY 10
Eat, cuddle, cry, smell the flowers, touch soft things, take a long nap, forgive your SELF for not being able to sustain this impossible path of productivity over all else. Rinse and Repeat.
Cancer Sun | GEMINI MOON |
2023 JULY 13
The Dark Moon in Gemini is a time for deep mental ShadowWeRK. It is a time for banishing any thoughts, ideas, systems, or beliefs that don't offer any assistance for moving forward. It is also a Moon for remembering that Feelings ARE an important part of understanding Facts and, while they are not interchangeable, they are both important tools for setting boundaries and moving thru life with a human brain.
Cancer Sun | CANCER MOON |
2023 JULY 15
Slide back into the waters that you originated from. Know that we all start in the same pool of fluid and that all of our intentions and actions are actually connected by an endless familial string. We can no longer deny or ignore the truth that we're all part of this giant, Magical cycle. Lean into that truth during this longer Dark Moon cycle and, before the New Moon arrives tomorrow, take some time to feel into such a big realization. You are as important as literally everyone and everything else there is. The power-over structure we've been forced to live in has wOrked hard to tell you otherwise, but deny that shit now. Rescind that agreement that was placed upon you by your parents, your ancestors, this toxic collective belief. You did not consent to that. It is a lie. You are Magical and all your feelings fucking matter. Set intentions holding all that power and see what happens.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is Moon most Magical practices try to avoid Ritualizing. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.

The Moon Rituals are now LIVE for Cancer Season!
There's no Moon Ritual this week but check out what's popping in the Gemini Moon Rituals Blog and prep for Cancer Season's Moon Phases.

U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings
All of my summer sessions are now SOLD OUT.
I will not be offering any Astrology Readings or Art Commissions until after the beginning of Scorpio Season (October 23rd, 2023).
This is because I am launching a new cycle of offerings including Astrological & Magical Sessions, Art Commissions, and The WeRKbook under those intense Scorpionic AstroWeathers. It's also because I will be having a medical procedure in early September and I'll be taking some time to recover.
Memberships and The AstroWeathers will continue thru this time, but 1:1 Sessions are full until that new cycle begins again. This is a bit different than I'd planned but it's all very, very good news that I am beyond thrilled to be moving thru.
If you want to get in on a Membership there are two spots that would start in July and run thru the next 13 months. Otherwise, there is a special pathway open if you want early access to what's coming in the Dark Season (and you'll get special gifts too)
I appreciate you. I cannot wait to see everyone over the next few weeks of transformation and then it's really gonna get fucking really disruptive in here!
I love y'all so much!
Check Out My New Membership Options:
- MEMBERSHIPS | intuitive annual astrology readings package
- MEMBERSHIPS | the waypath
- MEMBERSHIPS | intensive : the threshold pathway
Let's Prep For Leo Season:
Leo SZN Live Q&A WeRKshop, July 17th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Join me live to talk about the upcoming Leo Season and/or ask any questions you have about The SweetAstro WeRKbook or astrology in general.
RSVP to get the Zoom Link
Can't come? That's okay. You can RSVP to get the recording sent to you also.
Submit a question in advance here.
BEAUTIFUL ASTROLOGY | Venus Retrograde Guide & Workbook
Check out my AstroChat with astrologer, artist, and Venus-lover Melanie Gurley. We're gonna chat about the Venus Retrograde in Leo cycle, offer a big tip for WeRKing with the unique Venus cycle, and how to get her amazing new guide & workbook to help us all get the most value out of this juicy transit.
For more about IF this will be super valuable for you check out my post on the Venus Rx in Leo below…
If you haven't checked out my AstroChat with Melanie Gurley, I hope you'll take the time this week.
I got my copy of the Venus Retrograde guide & workbook last week and it's so fucking beautiful & sweet!
My Magical Touchstone for this Venus Rx in Leo Cycle is: Reconnect to My Inner Child to Create Art About My Self Worth Healing.
To create your own Magical Touchstone for this Venus Rx WeRK check out the Venus Retrograde Guide & WeRKbook today.

Venus in Leo Enters its Retrograde Shadow | June 20th | Get Ready With Me!
Here we go MoonBeams, into the Venus in Leo Retrograde Cycle where we explore the edges of the Beauty Principles, Radical Self Love, and Pride.
Venus Retrograde in Leo Timeline
Enters Retrograde Shadow June 20 at 12º ♌︎
Stations Retrograde July 23 at 28º ♌︎
Stations Direct September 9 at 12º ♌︎
Exits Retrograde Shadow October 7 at 28º ♌︎

I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.