Welcome to a new week and a powerful New Moon opportunity! Mercury Retrograde is completely over and now we're feeling the Mercury in Aquarius energy in full force. Venus will be making one of its sweetest and most Magical transits AND we're sliding into Pisces Season at the end of the week. Are you ready??

Before Aquarius Season is over take time to review your Aquarius WeRK over the last few weeks. What did you learn? What did you let go? What still needs to be addressed?
It's also good to reflect on what revolutions, innovations, and weirdness you're gonna carry forward from Aquarius Season into the rest of this annual cycle?
This is the time when we all must grab ahold of these parts of our self and push them forward into the future. There's no time left to start our journey toward building a new, collective operating system. Consider what you unlearned, got uncomfortable with, and took the time to (re)learn.
With all the transits from Aquarius to both Uranus and the North Node in Taurus we've been given the opportunity to consider what we know about economic systems. I have been sharing some resources that helped me learn more about why capitalism is such a terrible economic system. Here is another documentary I recommend to learn more...
Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

No Video This Week!
I've had so many tech issues this week MoonBeams If you go back a few weeks ago and look at my chart you'll see I am having some intense Mercury Transits. What you don't see is that I am now in my Mercury/12th House year and I refuse to fight too hard against anything I have no control over. If you have any questions about this week's AstroWeathers, let me know.
Pisces Seasons | Welcome Mystic Fish

Pisces Season arrives on Saturday, February 18th at 14:34pst. Wanna learn more? Check out my Pisces Season Blog Post:
Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!
Check back throughout the week for more info on these transits
☿♒︎ □ ☊♉︎ & ☋♏︎ Mercury Square N. Node [Taurus] & S. Node [Scorpio] | 2023 FEB 15 | 22:55pst | 06º 50' ||
The Mind Bender! This transit comes along to blow our fucking minds AND this something we should lean into more. Our current systems don't want us to change the way we think. They have intentionally created the lessons they want us to learn; any deviation from these lessons is dangerous to these systems. So, if you want to disrupt the systems open up to the things that hurt your brain. It's uncomfortable to have your brain unfucked & these weathers want to bring that inconvenient TRUTH to you. Can you embrace the mental revolution?

☉☌♄♒︎ | The Sun Conjunct Saturn
[Aquarius] | 2023 FEB 16 | 8:48pst | 27º44' ||
The fucking STRUGGLE BUS has arrived. Will you choose to get on the bus? Will you ride it all the way to it's destination? Will you accept these struggles as your fated fate OR will you stand up to the belief that this is a normal part of your life? Chances are this isn't normal, it's just capitalism forcing you to be productive. The Sun in Aquarius is our collective purpose and Saturn is asking us if we're really being responsible with that purpose OR if we're just towing the line we think we must. It's asking us if we really have autonomy or control or freedom OR did they just do a really good job of convincing us we do. Check in with your SELF about WHY you're either about to get on the struggle bus OR why you've been staying on the fucker so long. Maybe you can just pull the cord and get the fuck off this damn ride now...

♀→♈︎ Venus Enters Aries | 2023 FEB 19 | 20:55pst || A Passionate Relationships Run Wild || Venus will engage in an uncomfortable battle when it's in Aries. It's going to ask us if we're willing to fight for what we value most, even if it means giving up or changing something that upsets those around us. Venus is quick to anger and impulsive when it's challenged in its relationships; it's best not to be rash in love or hate during this transit. Instead use it to examine your core values and to realign your SELF to activate the hard WeRK of doing and being better.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up part of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius this week.
The Moon will be in the Last Quarter, Dark AND New Moon Phases. What a busy lunar week!!!
The Moon Rituals are now LIVE for Pisces Season!
Check them out here and let me know what you think!!!

Aquarius Sun | SCORPIO MOON |
23 FEB 11 | THE LAST QUARTER MOON | Deeply suspicious of anything considered a fact by untrusted sources and/but totally willing to do the research needed to evaluate said facts. Stubborn AF. You definitely want this being in your corner because their shit list could be a hit list (and they would never get caught). Alone time is invaluable to this combination and you’d regret encroaching on them, especially if they were engrossed in a science experiment or fascinating project. Ruled by both malefic planets (Saturn rules Aquarius and Mars rules Scorpio) this energy demands introspection and ShadowWeRK, it also aids in these endeavors so lean into the dark, private spaces inside you with these supportive friends because they both want what’s best for the collective and the individual- even if it seems like they don’t like anyone very much. Together they make Last Quarter Moon energy and while that Moon Phase asks us to let go of whatever is blocking our path it can be extra challenging with two Fixed Signs in charge. It can also be the most rewarding release of the annual cycle. Why? Because when you’ve convinced either of these Signs to change it means big things are moving and shifting often making room for betterment and growth. It’s uncomfortable because it’s important. Use this energy to push deeper into your anti racism werk because it can help you see the poison woven into all of us by whiteness; Scorpio is the microscope and Aquarius is the multi perspective. These two things offer great insight into what’s hidden and what can ultimately be innovated for the greater good.
Aquarius Sun | SAGITTARIUS MOON | 23 FEB 13 | A weird and fashionable revolution. Weird, wild, and free, but looks really snappy while doing it. Trying to put them in any kind of box, restraint, or committed relationship will likely backfire and end with never seeing them EVER again. However, when they dedicate themselves to a thing, good luck turning that pony around. The Sextile between Sagittarius and Aquarius ties them together with a wink and secret handshake. This is a snarky, quick-witted, smart-ass energy but make sure you don't accidentally say too much, sometimes it's hard to turn this party off once it gets started. If you want a beast to fight the good fight for you or your collective THIS is the wild energy you want leading your march.
Aquarius Sun | CAPRICORN MOON | 23 FEB 13 | It's dark but it's not the Dark Moon | These two usually make the Dark Moon but this lunation will pass in in the night and by morning this will be a little bit Pisces Sun | CAPRICORN MOON. The Dark Moon will come next, but this time with The Moon in Aquarius and The Sun in Pisces. This point in the cycle is always a good reminder to go back and look at how the last Capricorn Moon/Aquarius Sun went down for you. (It happened on January 19th-21st). It's always a good time to do your review WeRK!

Pisces Sun | AQUARIUS MOON | 23 FEB 17 | THE DARK MOON | The universal society. When the weirdest weirdo meets the deepest deep soul there's no telling what might happen. It's hard to find the edges of this combination because we've had so many of our Magical Gifts & Tools taken from us over the last few centuries BUT that doesn't mean that edge isn't there. The trick is to use this deeply weird energy to reconnect your SELF to those Magical Gifts & Tools.
Pisces Sun | PISCES MOON | 23 FEB 19 | THE NEW MOON | Time to set some big intentions around letting things come to their natural end. This seems counter to the idea that a lot of New Moon Magic expresses but think about what it would be like to be able to initiate your own endings. A good death is what we all seek but due to the ideologies we collectively have around death we often ignore the opportunities life gives us to plan for our own end. This is an excellent lunation for sitting down and planning your own memorial service. The question really is, will you?
Moon Phase This Week
The Last Quarter Moon | Taurus |
23 FEB 13 | 8:00pst | 24º40'
Dark Moon | Aquarius |
23 FEB 17 @21:34pst to
23 FEB 19 @20:55pst
New Moon | Pisces |
23 FEB 19 | 23:05pst | 01º22'
Moon Ritual WeRKshops Are Now Available! Click each Moon Phase above
This Week's Events & Reminders
This Week:
February 13th 12NOON - 1:30est (3-4:30est)
We will review our Aquarius Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Pisces Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
Hey MoonBeams!
I hope you all have a great week!
xo, d.
I believe this weeks Last quarter Moon is in Scorpio, and I’m sure you know this;)) just a small
Typo above near the Moon Scopes- “Last quarter in Taurus” 23 FEB 13