Here's This Week's Video:
Video Updates/Edits:
In the video, I get twisted up about the number of times Venus Rx is Square to Uranus but that's because this should be a Venus Rx in Leo Square to JUPITER not URANUS. Duh & Whoops. I fixed the tile graphic below that has the correct info. Apologies for that. I'd say the energy is still similar, especially since Jupiter and Uranus are now pretty close together in Taurus. They are both about to Station Retrograde in Taurus also. Please let me know if you have any questions about this one!
I mention I will share the Upstream Podcast link I felt connected to The Sun Opposed Saturn Rx. It's called Life Beyond the Clock with Jenny Odell That link is here.
- And last, I haven't made a post about doing the Mercury Retrograde Divinations but I've added it ot my list of things to make.
Let me know if you have questions.

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video at the top of the page.

Leo Season
The Sun moved from Cancer to Leo at 18:50pst on July 22, 2023. We made it thru the Leo dance-a-thon. How did you do? Don't forget to do your review WeRK in your WeRKbooks (or journals or whatever you're doing with this info). What was your biggest Leo Season lesson?

Virgo Season
The Sun moves from Leo to Virgo at 2:02 pst on August 23, 2023. Are you ready to clean up your shit and prep for the final harvest of Summer? Let's do this! Get into the Virgo Sun Season post and learn how you can get ready for the real season of the WITCH!

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will be in Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn this week.
The Moon will move thru its First Quarter Moon Phase in Sagittarius.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon
2023 AUGUST 21
This is the last lunation of Leo Season but it's not a First Quarter Moon Phase, that's just the art I had for this overlap. This is an excellent energy for ending this intense Leo Season. Go back and look at what you learned during this Venus Retrograde in Leo because some of that shit was dark and intense, like Scorpio. This is probably because Venus spent some quality time with Black Moon Lilith during this cycle.
2023 AUGUST 24
2023 AUGUST 24, 2:58pst
Get in on the Virgo Season Moon Rituals post to see how you can use this very activating energy to bring your New Moon in Leo intentions to life.
2023 AUGUST 26
Now that we're officially in the end of Summer energy we can use this lunation to take a literal inventory of our pantry and prepare for the restocking before autumn arrives. You can use this energy to review your budget and decide if you went too hard during Leo Season… do you need to tighten up the purse strings or invest in some quality upgrades for the dark seasons ahead?
Also, notice that the daylight is getting shorter and that may be calling you back to an unhealthy desire to fixate on productivity and scarcity mindset shit. Don't do it. Clean out that anxious space and replace it with a plan to keep you free from those old habits moving forward.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual
The First Quarter Moon is a time of action & activation. During a First Quarter Moon, we can pull the Magic of the New Moon towards us & initiate the first spark of growth our seeds need to spout. It is important to review your New Moon Ritual as you prepare this First Quarter Moon Ritual.

The Moon Rituals In Virgo Season
Are you ready for the annual cleanse? Let's clean out our shit MoonBeams!

SweetAstro WeRKbook | prep tools, how-to videos, & live session dates
MERCURY retrograde | VIRGO
Enters Shadow
|8/4/2023 @ 8º Virgo
Stations Retrograde
|8/24/2023 @ 21º Virgo
Stations Direct
|9/15/2023 @ 8º Virgo
Exits Shadow
|9/30/2023 @ 21º Virgo

U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings
Check out my new ART JOURNALS. I've been back in the studio reconnecting to the Magic of Process Based Art. It's been awhile since I've made space for this practice and I am so happy to be tending to my SELF in this way again. It's so important for my health and wellness AND it's also one of my Magical Gifts and Tools to create spells and disruptive Magic via Process Based Art. I'll be sharing more of this Magic with y'all going forward so I hope you're also leaning into reconnecting with your Magical Gifts and Tools as we move into Virgo Season. If you want to get your hands on some of my Magic you can snatch up one of these blank journals… I only made 11 of them so when they're gone, that's it (well, for this round anyway. I am sure I'll make more when the mood strikes!)
There is OFFICIALLY ONE MEMBERSHIP SPOT LEFT IN 2023! I honestly cannot believe how quickly the Waiting Circle SOLD OUT too. It doesn't look like I will have any Astrology sessions or 1:1 Magical offerings open until 2024. I'll be making updates on that in October and I am super excited about all the idea babies that are gestating. Thank you to everyone that's supported me in 2023. Please reach out if you have any questions or needs between now and January tho, I am not going underground ! I still want to be in ComMOONity with y'all!
Check Out My New Membership Options:
- MEMBERSHIPS | intuitive readings package
- MEMBERSHIPS | the waypath
- MEMBERSHIPS | the threshold pathway
CHECK OUT MY JENNIFER MAGAZINE ARTICLE | Virgo Season. Rewriting The Health & Wellness Doctrine of Capitalism
Don't forget that you can revisit my July article in Jennifer Magazine as part of your Leo Season reflection WeRK. There is some good stuff in there MoonBeams so even if you read it at the beginning of the month I recommend going back and reading it again to see how it lands now.
Check out the other articles in Jennifer Magazine too. I am so honored and excited to be part of this disruptive and influential publication.
For Virgo Season I wrote an article about using Mercury Retrograde cycles to do deep personal ShadowWeRK while also fighting capitalism, patriarchy, and whiteness. It's good stuff.
Subscribe to receive more delicious content from Jennifer Magazine too!

Venus Retrograde in Leo | The Value of Reflection Check Point Has Arrived
The Venus in Leo Retrograde Cycle has reached it's midpoint. We experienced The Sun/Venus conjunction (called the Star Point) and we're getting close to the Direct Station of Venus in Leo. This Venus Retrograde cycle has invited us to explore the edges of the Beauty Principles of this toxic culture and how we find Radical Self Love in it's clutches. It's reconnecting us to finding the value of feelign pride. This week is an excellent time to check in on this cycle and reflect on what the Shadow and Retrograde Cycle have dredged up for you so far.
Venus Retrograde in Leo Timeline
Enters Retrograde Shadow June 20 at 12º ♌︎
Stations Retrograde July 23 at 28º ♌︎
Stations Direct September 9 at 12º ♌︎
Exits Retrograde Shadow October 7 at 28º ♌︎

TAROT CARD OF THE WEEK: Six of Pentacles

Since I always think of Tarot as the most Virgo Tool ever I thought it would be fun to pull a card for each week during the rest of the Mercury Retrograde Cycle, especially since it's rolling thru Virgo and doing all this weird shit to me.
I also thought it would be fun NOT to talk about or share any interpretations of the cards. Instead I invite YOU to do some research about the card and how it relates to your week. Add this to your journaling and notes. I'll do the same. Then, after this cycle is done I'll lay them all out and we can see if there's a bigger message or interesting patten there. Sound fun?
Personal Updates: As we enter the last third of the Summer Season I just wanted to give a few personal updates. I have been remodeling my house since April and it's been a really physically demanding process but it's almost done. I am super excited about being done and having more space to make art and be creative. I am also glad that there won't be anymore weird noises or bangs and booms to interrupt my recordings.
I hope everyone has been enjoying the content so far. If you have ANY feedback you'd like to share, I'd really appreciate it! (Don't forget that FEEDBACK includes compliments, favorite parts, ideas and suggestions too!!) I'd love to know if you love something or if you need a little more info on a topic. Don't be afraid to reach out, you can submit feedback annoymously via the feedback form below.
I am super excited about the approach of Autumn and the return of The Dark! Anyone else an Autumn fan? It's always an interesting time for me and it seems to rejuvenate me in ways that it doesn't do for others. I wanted to put it out there that I may be out of reach or off the grid at times this Autumn.
I am having a really exciting surgery in September so I'll be recuperating for at least a week (9/11-17). I may be traveling to some really exciting events in October - I'll let y'all know if those thangs get confirmed! And, if y'all can send some good energy my way… I applied to a really exciting, intensive Death Doula training in mid-November. I hope I am accepted, but if not that's a new path that's been calling me for years and I am ready to answer. If anyone has any interest or experience with Death WeRK and you want to chat about it, let me know. Yes, there will be new offerings coming forth from this WeRK here too. (Expect The Unexpected).
As I said above, I've been making more art and crafting more crafts in the studio for the last few weeks so if you're interested, willing, able, etc. to share any of my sales content that's being generated there I'd be so grateful. I am hoping to reopen my retail shoppe as the HollerDaze approach and it would be so Magical to be able to have more engagement there. You can also make your wish/gift lists and let me know what kinds of things you may like to see there too! Again, I am so grateful for all the support and I hope you feel the Magic I am putting out there for the collective. (Art Spells, yay!)
Please reach out and let me know how your summers went, what you were up to and if you learned anything new. I love hearing from y'all! And don't forget you can text me at the number below OR email too.
Enjoy the rest of the season and I am here if Virgo Season gets bumpy for ya!
xo, d
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.