WTF. I accidentally deleted this blog.
that's what happens when you're creating new systems and you have no fucking idea what you're doing.
This is a perfect example of Mercury being in it's Shadow. Your mistakes, errors, and frustrations are often indications of what your actual Retrograde cycle WeRK will be.
For me, it's realizing that I need to slow down and set up the systems better.
What did you learn this week that seems like a Mercury Retrograde WeRK clue?

Since I deleted this by accident make sure you watch the video and share any questions you have!
Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Here's This Week's Video:

Big Ass Transit Of The Week!!!
The Sun Enters Capricorn AND Squares Jupiter In Aries | 22.12.21 | 13:48pst-16:50est | 00º08'
'Boss Bitch Energy (Gone Wrong?)'
Watch out for this juice babes! The Sun in Capricorn is ready to get shit DONE but an applying Square to Jupiter in Aries may make us a bit irrational and impulsive. Don't forget, Mercury is in it's Retrograde Shadow RN too. A little patience WILL go a long way under these weathers. Rather then giving into the potentially reactionary, bossy pants energy of these weathers spend time drafting your BIG 2023 goals, reviewing how 2022 went for you, and making space for people who act up because they don't know this shit is coming for us all!

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will thru Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, & half of Aquarius.
The Moon will be in the Dark & New Moon Phases
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is Moon most Magical practices try to avoid Ritualizing. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.
The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon phase. This is a time of rest after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive & we have seeds to plant..

Moon In Scorpio | Sun In Sagittarius | 22.12.18 @ 19:30pst
Moon In Sagittarius | Sun In Sagittarius & Capricorn | 22.12.20 @ 23:12 pst

Moon In Capricorn | Sun In Capricorn | 22.12.22 @ 23:49pst
Moon In Aquarius | Sun In Capricorn | 22.12.24 @ 23:31pst
Moon Phases This Week

The Dark Moon | In Sagittarius |
22.12.18 @ 19:30pst - 22.12.20 @ 23:12 pst
The New Moon | In Capricorn | 22.12.23 @ 2:16pst | 1º 33'
Moon Ritual WeRKshops Coming Soon!
This Week's Events & Reminders
Just a reminder that I am making these videos as a BETA test for a better future for The ComMOONity NetWeRK I started on The Mighty Network platform in 2019. That platform was a challenge for folx to access so I'm trying to find another space for us. For now, social media is a space that I want to have limited engagement with, especially with my content.
If you're watching these videos and you're confused about the content I wanted to make sure and remind everyone that I am running two different groups here and while much of the content is intended to be useful for everyone, some of it is specific to a closed group called The Threshold Pathway.
I had offered an application for the Threshold Pathway in Mid-November and it filled up in December. However, if you're curious about this BETA test I will be offering another round of openings in the spring. Until then I wanted to clarify the differences in what I'm offering so everyone knows what's happening. If you are confused about having access to the SweetAstro WeRkbooks those won't be available to the general public until (probably) Autumn 2023. The content offered here is a sneak peek for BETA testers. I will be sharing all updates about opportunities to participate in any future Threshold opportunities here so make sure you're reading the weekly emails.
If you have questions or you need support engaging with the content I am doing my best to share here I would LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. I want to create useful, accessible, powerful content that people feel connected to. Please let me know what your experiences are, if you have time. You can fill out this anonymous form if you'd prefer.
Last week I created an AstroWeathers | The Year Ahead video for the Threshold Pathway.
It's available for everyone to view if you're curious. This video is heavily focused on using the new SweetAstro WeRkbook but there are some juicy bits about what's coming in the year ahead. If you watch it I'd love your feedback... there's a place to submit feedback below!

Special Of The Week!
Buy ONE Gift Certificate, Get a SECOND Gift Certificate for 50% OFF
GIFT CERTIFICATES can be tricky when you have so many different offerings. The best system I've come up with was this one:
- Figure out the amount of the item you home to gift. Ie; you want an Intuitive Astrology Reading for $195.
- Select an amount of the certificate. The choices are $10, $25, $100.
- Choose the quantity you need to reach the total you need.
- It's good to consider covering any Shipping & Handling.
- If you wanted to get a $200 certificate to cover the $195 session you could do 8 x $25 or 2x$100.
Not sure what you need? Reach out!
I hope everyone has a fucking delightful time celebrating or whatever you do to acknowledge the end of this annual cycle. I am super excited to WeRK with you all in the cycle ahead!
I welcome your feedback, edits, ideas, etc.
Take care of you, take care of each other!
I love you so fucking much!
xo, d.