Welcome to a POWER[FULL] Moon Week. Are you ready to get your ass in gear and fight against... um, everything? This week will likely give us some fuel for our rage fires (if last week wasn't enough for ya)!!!
This week The Moon glares at that big cluster of planets in Pisces, Aries, and Taurus from across our little Universe. We're gonna have OPPORTUNITIES to see things in a very reflective way, under a very bright light. Try not to turn away MoonBeams. This fight IS yours and it needs YOUR unique Magical Gifts & Tools. It needs you to show up with what you know and how you feel.
We can do this.

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

ARIES SEASON | spring equinox, the first quarter sun reflection time...

Aries Season arrived on Monday, March 20th at 14:24pst and this week will have us halfway thru this fiery Sun Season so it's time to review a few thangs! How's it going so far?
Have you signed up for too much? Done too much? Did you remember to rest? Say no?
What have you noticed? I always think the switch between the weather seasons is the most dramatic. Pisces to Aries is my favorite. All the plants turn purple and moss green at the end of Pisces and then Aries comes and we see these bright red and mustard yellow pops & shoots. The moss green turns neon green. The birds and frogs start to sign their sexy songs. The yellow and orange daffodils suddenly appear. And HOPEFULLY the temperatures start to rise up and The Sun gets so fucking bright you have to spend some time finding your sunglasses again.
How does it look where you live? Have you noticed any of these Aries changes??
Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

☿→♉︎ Mercury Enters Taurus | 2023 APR 03 | 9:22pst

☿♉︎□♇♒︎ Mercury |Taurus Square Pluto |Aquarius
2023 APR 3 | 11:55pst | 0º11'

☉ ☌ Chiron♒︎ The Sun Conjunct Chiron in Aries |
2023 APR 5 | 15:18pst | 15º52'
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Most of Virgo. Libra, & Scorpio
Where is this happening in your chart? Paying attention to the Houses The Moon will travel thru can teach you so much about your own chart.
The Moon will be in the Full Moon Phase in Libra.
Aries Sun | VIRGO MOON | 2023 APR 02 |
Most of what you know about Virgo is fucking wrong. It's been tainted by our puritanical culture and it's time we change the beliefs we have about purity, virginity, and sexual healing. We also need to unfuck our brains when it comes to sex work and sex workers.
It wants to remind us that there are different types of sex workers. Not all of them identify as female. Not all of them are trafficked or forced to do this wOrk. And, this lunation also reminds us that fighting to liberate, protect, & lift up all Black women will INSURE we do this for ALL women (and all people).
Aries Sun | LIBRA MOON | 2023 APR 04 |
One of the most violent weapons of whiteness is niceness. This idea that we can and should all agree to disagree even when topics are killing us is violence. This belief that it's better to be civil or quiet because causing any drama or disruption is more painful than the violence that's occurring right now. This cultural practice of going along with shit because we're too tired from doing capitalism all day. This lunation says, " FUCK ALL THAT AND NO, NOT ANYMORE" and it wants you to say THAT and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT TOO too.
Will you stand up to niceness and finally express your self? Will you light the fire that will burn down the massive injustices all around us? Will you sacrifice the safety that the code of niceness has provided you and instead be kind by speaking the fucking truth?
Aries Sun | SCORPIO MOON | 2023 APR 06 |
Fuck it.
Reclaim your Power. Reactivate your Rage. Reconnect to your Joy.
At any cost.
Mars in Cancer double rules this lunation. If you're not fucking rage-filled, you're not paying attention. If you're not demanding your power back you're in dire need of community. If you're not fighting for EVERYONE's right to experience regular, repetitive joy then the time for that is now.
What are you gonna do about it?
MAGICmooning | Moon Phase & Ritual
2023 APR 05 | 21:34pst | 16º 07'
The Full Moon is about reflection, rejoicing, & revelation. This Lunation is about seeing the true truths so we can rejoice in their gifts & opportunities even if they fucking suck. It’s time to honestly consider the shit we find in this part of our chart. There’s nowhere for our Shadow WeRK to hide during a Full Moon.

Here is the chart of The FULL MOON in . Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

Let's take a little walk into the AstroAlgebra and the AstroGeography of this lunation.
This chart is Scorpio Rising. It is ruled by Mars which is finally in Cancer after a long ass journey thru Gemini. Mars is also ruling that Aries Sun too. In fact, Mars has a lot of power in this chart, looking down from the 9th House at Chiron, The Sun & Jupiter too.
Venus rules the Libra Moon from its happy place in Taurus but it cannot see that Libra Moon so even tho it rules Taurus it's lacking any power over that extra Mars energy. Luckily Mars is in its Fall in Cancer.
I am curious about this lunation spanning across the Aries/Libra polarity in the 6th & 12th Houses. This House Polarity represents wellness, health, and service to our SELF and to OTHER. Considering where we are with those thangs RN it feels like a big opportunity to reflect and review these topics...
To get super fucking pissed about it until we are compelled to do something about it. If we lean into the support of the rulers of this lunation we can see Venus asking us to find value in mutual aid partnerships thru the 7th House. How can you build these support systems for your SELF and the collective?
We see Mars in Cancer in the 9th screaming at us about listening to our intuition when it comes to the health and wellness of our children, the descendants, and the future. I know we're all wishing it would "just get easier" but that's not how it works. It's time to ACT and MOVE towards MAKING IT EASIER FOR EVERYONE.
This lunation can be a big opportunity for us all to find/use our Unique Magical Gifts & Tools in service of the world. How will you be of service during this Full Moon?
What do you need to let go of to be able to become this truer version of you?
What House is Aries in your chart?
What House is Libra in your chart?
Check out the New Moon Ritual if you really want to get into it.
The Moon Rituals for Aries Season ARE HERE!
This powerful Cardinal Season is ripe for fucking around and finding out. It's also a very rare opportunity to experience a Hybrid Lunar Eclipse with TWO New Moon's in Aries happening in this cycle. We're gonna get some hints into what the Eclipse Portal in Aries/Libra may bring us as it beings to activate later this year.

Here's This Week's Video:
This Week's Events & Reminders
- WEDNESDAY, April 12, 2023 | 5:30-7pm (8:30-10pm) | We will review any Questions about the SweetAstro WeRKbook AND the BONUS Mercury Rx WeRKshop. (Want Access to the prerecorded WeRKshop? Click here)
- MONDAY, April 17, 2023 | 5-7pm pst (8-10pm est) | We will review our Aries Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Taurus Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
<<< rsvp for the Zoom Link
I am offering this extra, extra special Mercury Retrograde in Taurus WeRKshop this week.
If you're in the Threshold Pathway II Group you'll get an email with a special password to access it in advance. Check your emails for a special FREE discount code.
If you're a SweetAstro Newsletter Subscriber I will be sending out that code to all of you on 4/3/23 so if you're not a subscriber of that list yet... get in there for FREE access to this Mercury Retrograde in Taurus WeRKshop.
My Spring Astrology Readings Are Now Fully Booked & Summer Dates Will Be Open Soon. Please note: those spots will be Limited as I am opening more Membership spots. I am offering Natal Chart Art Commissions again too. Those no longer require an appointment to purchase but spots are limited so if you were considering these as future gifts you may want to think about getting one this summer. Please reach out if you have any questions.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
It's Called The ComMOONity On Purpose
I want to thank everyone who is sharing my content with others. It's practically the only way to the word out without having to give the me ta verse or machine our money. If I have to pay those prices for marketing I will have to increase my prices (or give the fuck up on this) because it's not sustainable for small business owners to gamble on the algorithms. And it's not really aligned with my heart to even use those platforms let alone PAY them. So, all my gratitude to those of you who are sharing my content and making referrals. I'd rather support you and your peeps anyway.
I also want to remind everyone that I am here for you. Please reach out if you have questions. You cannot bother me. I manage my time like the Cardinal Grand Cross Creature I am. I want to engage with you. I want to help, listen and learn from you too. You can text, email, & post comments on the videos and blog posts. I will get to them when I can and sometimes I may even use them as FAQ prompts to help everyone!