All Things Aquarius in 2023
I created this hub for Threshold Members to be able to find all the WeRK content in one place AND in post order. If you're looking for a post related to Aquarius Season OR WeRK we're doing in Aquarius Season THIS is the place to be. I will also be updating each time a new post is made during Aquarius Season.

January 23- 29, 2023

January 30 - February 5, 2023

February 6-12, 2023

February 13 - 19, 2023

Venus Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius || 23.01.22 | 14:12pst | 24º47'
Under these weathers the culture is meant to be evaluating those norms and making sure no one is being harmed by the current standards. A course correction is supposed to be enacted and then Saturn will maintain that policy until the next time these two meet.
♀→♓︎ Venus Enters Pisces | 2023 JAN 26 | 18:32pst
This is a gorgeous transit that's often wasted by capitalism because the Shadows of this transit can be overindulgence, gluttony, and falling face-first into our most extreme vices.
☿□ Chiron | Mercury |Capricorn Square Chiron |Aries (again, 2/3) | 23.01.27 | 2:42pst | 12º29' ||
Last year, as I was designing the Magical Graphic for this transit I didn't realize why I was called to create this image until I started writing about it. This is a transit about healing Toxic Masculinity. There is masculinity in ALL of us, the part of us that was active, initiating, passionate, assertive those are the masculine parts, energetically anyway. We all have a right to engage with this part of our SELF and this transit invites us all to change the way we feel/think/understand what masculinity is. There is a little "boy" in all of us.
☉□♅ | Sun [Aquarius] Square Uranus [Taurus] | 2023 FEB 03 | 18:50pst | 15º 00' ||
I FUCKING LOVE CHANGE!!! But most of us don't. Love change that is. We do everything we can to resist it & both patriarchy & capitalism feed off of our fear of change. But, change is one of the constants; like birth & death. It is coming for us all the second we are born but rather than see it as just another Magical transition, we become tight & anxious from resisting its inevitable approach.
♀□♂| Venus [Pisces] Square Mars [Gemini] | 2023 FEB 04 | 19:28pst | 11º 14' ||
Is there any value in knowing the type of genitals someone has?
Seriously? What's the value? Why are we so collectively obsessed with genitals? Why do we let "men" go topless but not "women"? Why is seeing a penis on tv forbidden but we can watch every form of violence happen in graphic detail?

☿☌♇ Mercury Conjunct Pluto [Capricorn] | 2023 FEB 10 | 9:15pst | 28º 58' ||
This Conjunction will be the LAST one between Mercury and Pluto in the Sign of Capricorn.
We've been experiencing this transit fairly regularly since 12/08/09. The next Conjunction between Mercury and Pluto will be on 2/5/2024 at 0º of Aquarius.

☿→♒︎ Mercury Enters Aquarius | 2023 FEB 11 | 3:22pst
Weird Thoughts | Radical Ideas
This is a good transit for evaluating your/our collective systems. Are your mutual aid and radical group care systems healthy? Has something gone sideways, in need of recalibration?

☿♒︎ □ ☊♉︎ & ☋♏︎ Mercury Square N. Node [Taurus] & S. Node [Scorpio] | 2023 FEB 15 | 22:55pst | 06º 50' ||

☉☌♄♒︎ The Sun Conjunct Saturn [Aquarius] |
2023 FEB 16 | 8:48pst | 27º44' ||

Your Feedback Is Important!
The whole purpose of a Beta Test is to get your feedback on your experiences. Is there anything you noticed that needs editing? Any missing information or additional information that might be helpful for you? How does the content flow for you? Is there anything YOU want to share?

These are optional and recordings will be posted.
Most of the LIVE Q&A's will be about two hours long, max/depending on how many questions there are. If you cannot attend you can submit questions to me via email.
I will not be doing live instruction, the curriculum for most sections of the SweetAstro WeRKbook will be prerecorded and shared in advance of the Q&A sessions.The sessions are more for answering questions about using the WeRKbooks and less about answering general or specific Astrology questions.
If you have general Astrology questions please email them to me and I will decide the best way to answer that question; perhaps with a blog post or a special video. If it's a personal Astrology question you can also submit that to me and I'll either answer it in a private email or encourage you to book a session, depending on the question.
The exchange of engagment is a big part of this Beta group so I appreciate your time and attention. Please make sure you RSVP for the Live Q&A sessions.
Dates & Details:
January 18th 12 NOON - 1:30pst (3-4:30est)
We will review pages 6-23 of the WeRKbook. The live session is open for questions OR you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
January 23rd 12 NOON - 1:30pst (3-4:30est)
We will review pages 26-37 of the WeRKbook. The live session is open for questions OR you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
January 26th 10am - 11:30 pst (1-2:30est)
Open session for any questions related to the WeRKbooks, Weekly AstroWeathers, Astro101, AstroAspects or general Astrology questions. And you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
February 6th 9am - 10:30 pst (12-1:30est)
Open session for any questions related to the WeRKbooks, Weekly AstroWeathers, Astro101, AstroAspects or general Astrology questions. And you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
February 13th 12NOON - 1:30est (3-4:30est)
We will review our Aquarius Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Pisces Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
In order to sign up for one or all of the sessions simply add each date to your CART by
selecting the SCHEDULE YOUR TIME button.
Then choose the date you can attend,
then select the time that shows up on the right until that button turns purple,
then you will see the BOOK YOUR TIME button light up purple,
click that button and it will add that date/time to your cart.
Once you're in your cart click the event link in your cart again and return the step one.
Zoom links sent after you complete this registration. Recordings will be posted on the current Season Hub.
LIVE Q&A SESSION | 2023 JAN 16 | 9AM
13:00 - More info about how to use the "Cards" page located in the Weekly Sections
21:15 - How to use the Weekly AstroWeathers Page (first page of each weekly session)
33:58 - Honeycomb Journal tips AND a description of the Aspects.
56:00 Diving into 12th House natal placements and tips for tracking transits to those natal placements. Also about tracking to your Timelord and recommendations for additional ShadowWeRK.
01:13:18 How to find the Sun Season Hub posts on my website, navigating the new membership links & struggles with signing in. AND How to register for ALL the Aquarius Season Live sessions on the new system.

WeRKBOOKS SESSION | 2023 JAN 18 | 12:00pst
A video reviewing pages 1-25 of The SweetAstro WeRKbook

WeRKBOOKS SESSION | 2023 JAN 23 | 12:00pst
A video reviewing pages 26-37 of The SweetAstro WeRKbook. Additional links and WeRKsheets also available