I am so excited to share this new MOONlite WeRKbook with y‘all. It‘s been a long road creating these Magical Tools but I‘ve loved every minute of it!
This is a *lite* version of the SweetAstro WeRKbook that focuses on more attention on The Moon. Each week you‘ll tune into the weekly content; The AstroWeathers Post, Video & Podcast which includes the latest Moon info. You can also access The Moon Rituals Post for addtional Moon Magic. This WeRKbook flows the same way the SweetAstro WeRKbook does EXCEPT it‘s only paying attention to The Moon.
I consider this an amazing starting point if you‘re new... (WELCOME!!!) OR if you‘ve felt like the SweetAstroWeRKbook was *too much* at this time. It is a BFD to do this WeRK in daily your life so if you need an easier path this MOONlite WeRKbook is for you!
These WeRKbooks contain WeRKsheets for Three Sun Seasons (roughly 3 months).
They are best purchased before the next Cardinal Sun Season ahead... these are...
- Aries - starting around March 21st
- Cancer - starting around June 20th
- Libra - starting around September 22nd
- Capricorn - starting around December 21st
HOWEVER, they can be used anytime, the weekly journal pages may just be a bit skewed but you'll get 13 weeks of journaling and content in each WeRKbook.
Your Birth Date, Time, & Location
Cast Your Chart Online | Need Help? click here
Pens, Markers, Pencils in a variety of colors. Any & All Art Supplies that you love
Access to an Ephemeris &/or Astrology Calendar/Tracking App (either online or paper versions). More info on these in the AstroResources Library
Your Imagination & all your Magical Gifts & Tools
An Open Mind, Heart, & Spirit
A willingness to get messy & UNCOMFORTABLEaf! The MOONlite WeRKbook is designed to change & be changed. It’s meant to look & feel like a Zine (a 90’s term short for handcrafted Magazine-like booklet made on the cheap & meant to be drawn in, written on, & USED!)
Internet Access & Email | Most offerings are digital/virtual.
An AstroArtistry Membership that includes 13 Intuitive Astrology Readings per year. Click Here to see if any Membership spots are available.
Purchase a Honeycomb Collective Personal Astrological Almanac which includes a shit ton of info, an ephemeris AND Astro Calendar + all your personal transits from all The Planets & The Moon (and so much more!) 10/10 recommend this as an add on! **Learn More Here**

Welcome to the MOONlite WeRkSPACE
Here you'll find:
| Prerecorded WeRKbook WeRKsessions
| A WeRKbook How To Guide & Videos
- | Additional Tools, WeRKsheets, & ProTips
This page is dedicated to sharing 'how to' videos, additional tools, and tips designed to help you navigate the MOONlite WeRKbook. If you have ANY questions or need additional support, please reach out at the contact info below!
Prerecorded How To Videos:
The videos are posted in the same order as the sections in the WeRkbook. Any corresponding additional tools, WeRKsheets, downloadable PDFs, and special tips included in a video will be posted under the video header. If you need help finding any content please reach out.
A general overview of how to get started, what you'll need in the process, and some FAQ's. Remember this is still a BETA TESTING PROCESS so things may change as we move thru this together, but there is lots of helpful info to reflect on here.
Let's take a look at Pages 8-26 | CLICK HERE
- Where to find the links to online content
- The Flow of The Threshold Pathway
- Setting your inTENSIONS
- Knowing your WHY
- What is your MAGIC?
- ShadowWeRK & Acknowledgements (see: WTF IS SHADOWWERK)
- How to Cast Your Chart, Resources & Apps
- Learning The Glyphs with The GlyphWOmanship Pages
- What & Why are the AstroAlgebra Flash Cards
Let's take a look at Pages 27-31 | CLICK HERE
- Using the SEARCH feature on the website
- The Houses (see: THE HOUSES)
- The Luminaries (see: THE SUN, THE MOON)
- The Eclipses (see: ECLIPSES)
- The Planets (see: THE PLANETS)
- The Elements & Modes (see: HERE & HERE)
- The Signs (see: THE SIGNS)
Let's take a look at Pages 32-37 | CLICK HERE
- Mercury Retrogrades
- How to use these WeRKsheets
- Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, August 8 - September 9, 2023 (Content posted in early August)
- Venus Retrogrades
- How to use these WeRKsheets
- Venus Retrograde in Leo, June 20 - October 7, 2023 (Content posted June 14, 2023)
Let's take a look at Pages 38-47 | CLICK HERE
- AstroAlgebra
- AstroGeometry
- How to use these WeRKsheets
- Tracking Transits
- Rulerships (see: PLANETARY RULERSHIPS)
- Annual Profections (see: WTF ARE TIMELORDS)
Recorded on
Here we'll break down each section of the journal pages. I reference the page numbers but remember the following pages repeat in cycles. The book you're holding is for a whole Quarter of the year. It covers journal pages for Three Sun Seasons. I only created generalized instructions here. You'll want to engage with the Quarterly, Seasonal, and Weekly content I create live as we move thru the year. If you can't find instructions on a page in the WeRKbook OR if you have additional questions, please reach out.
Let's take a look at The Journal Sections | CLICK HERE
- Quarterly WeRK
- The Sun Season Pages
- The AstroWeathers, The Week Ahead Pages
- The Moon Ritual Pages
- Review Pages
- Bonus Content
Watch the video attached to each AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead post for real time instructions for completing the weekly pages.
Join me for the LIVE Q&A WeRKshops (Live Recordings will be posted here after each session)
Opening Date: June 10th, 2023, online WeRKshops open/begin
Welcome to the SweetAstro WeRkbook WeRKsessions HUB
Here you'll find:
- | Prerecorded WeRKbook WeRKsessions
- | A WeRKbook How To Guide & Videos
- | Additional Tools, WeRKsheets, & ProTips
This page is dedicated to sharing 'how to' videos, additional tools, and tips designed to help you navigate the SweetAstro WeRKbook. If you have ANY questions or need additional support, please reach out at the contact info below!
Prerecorded How To Videos:
The videos are posted in the same order as the sections in the WeRkbook. Any corresponding additional tools, WeRKsheets, downloadable PDFs, and special tips included in a video will be posted under the video header. If you need help finding any content please reach out.
A general overview of how to get started, what you'll need in the process, and some FAQ's. Remember this is still a BETA TESTING PROCESS so things may change as we move thru this together, but there is lots of helpful info to reflect on here.
Let's take a look at Pages 8-26 | CLICK HERE
- Where to find the links to online content
- The Flow of The Threshold Pathway
- Setting your inTENSIONS
- Knowing your WHY
- What is your MAGIC?
- ShadowWeRK & Acknowledgements (see: WTF IS SHADOWWERK)
- How to Cast Your Chart, Resources & Apps
- Learning The Glyphs with The GlyphWOmanship Pages
- What & Why are the AstroAlgebra Flash Cards
Let's take a look at Pages 27-31 | CLICK HERE
- Using the SEARCH feature on the website
- The Houses (see: THE HOUSES)
- The Luminaries (see: THE SUN, THE MOON)
- The Eclipses (see: ECLIPSES)
- The Planets (see: THE PLANETS)
- The Elements & Modes (see: HERE & HERE)
- The Signs (see: THE SIGNS)
Let's take a look at Pages 32-37 | CLICK HERE
- Mercury Retrogrades
- How to use these WeRKsheets
- Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, August 8 - September 9, 2023 (Content posted in early August)
- Venus Retrogrades
- How to use these WeRKsheets
- Venus Retrograde in Leo, June 20 - October 7, 2023 (Content posted June 14, 2023)
Let's take a look at Pages 38-47 | CLICK HERE
- AstroAlgebra
- AstroGeometry
- How to use these WeRKsheets
- Tracking Transits
- Rulerships (see: PLANETARY RULERSHIPS)
- Annual Profections (see: WTF ARE TIMELORDS)
Recorded 2023 June 1 -10, 2023 || THIRD EDITION WERKBOOK
Here we'll breakdown each section of the journal pages. I reference the page numbers but remember the following pages repeat in cycles. The book you're holding is for a whole Quarter of the year. It covers journal pages for Three Sun Seasons. I only created generalized instructions here. You'll want to engage with the Quarterly, Seasonal, and Weekly content I create live as we move thru the year. If you can't find instructions on a page in the WeRKbook OR if you have additional questions, please reach out.
Let's take a look at The Journal Sections | CLICK HERE
- Quarterly WeRK
- The Sun Season Pages
- The AstroWeathers, The Week Ahead Pages
- The Moon Ritual Pages
- Review Pages
- Bonus Content
Watch the video attached to each AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead post for real time instructions for completing the weekly pages.
Join me for the LIVE Q&A WeRKshops (Live Recordings will be posted here after each session)
Opening Date: June 10th, 2023, online WeRKshops open/begin
Cancer Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, June 19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
First Sun Season Begins: Cancer Season, June 21st, 2023
Leo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, July 17th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Second Sun Season Begins: Leo Season, July 22nd, 2023
Virgo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, August19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Third Sun Season Begins: Virgo Season, August 23rd, 2023
Cancer Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, June 19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
First Sun Season Begins: Cancer Season, June 21st, 2023
Leo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, July 17th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Second Sun Season Begins: Leo Season, July 22nd, 2023
Virgo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, August19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Third Sun Season Begins: Virgo Season, August 23rd, 2023