Be The Drama.

If you're new here OR if you need a refresher check out my Why We Ritual the Rituals post I created about doing Rituals. It will help you understand my intentions for creating these Moon Rituals and hopefully support you in creating own rituals or at least embellishing on mine.
Leo is Ruled by The Sun so it's time to use what you learned about your Emotional Moon Magic in Cancer Season to make your SELF Light brighter.
The overall theme of Leo Season's Moon Rituals is this: Break Your True SELF Out And Shake That Thing!
It's hard to be your True SELF in this toxic culture and that's intentional. That's part of the plan this system has to keep you from your power.
Read that again.
This Moon Cycle has the Magical Gifts and Tools to reconnect you to your True SELF; the Magic, the Power, the birthright that is wholly yours. Remembering your True SELF is required in these times. It is an act of Sweet Disruption to reclaim YOU from the system that wOrks so hard to make everyone small and afraid. As you move thru the Lion's Lunations of this Moon Cycle lean into the truth a true SELF brings forward; doing this for your SELF is the best way to free everyone else. If your True SELF is present it will never allow others to be oppressed or shamed into submission. If the True SELF is functioning it can only create space for the True SELF in others to feel safe.
Your True SELF is right there MoonBeams. Just reach out and be it knowing you're already perfectly loved…. by your SELF.
MAGICmooning |
Leo Season Moon Rituals
- Your SweetAstro WeRKbook and/or your journals
- Pens, pencils, art supplies (optional). You may want a red or gold marker for Leo Season.
- Your Cancer Moon Ritual notes, if you have them
- A mirror
- A few pieces of art paper or a brown paper bag works great
- A fire safe bowl or fireplace
- Matches
A place to bury some Magical Ashes (yes, a houseplant is fine!)
Leo Season Moon Rituals | The Overview
The AstroWeathers of Leo Season will offer us some opportunities to Be The Drama. And this is a powerful opportunity to do exactly what we need to do to change the way things are. WTF does that mean?
Well, it's simple. The reason you're resisting being the drama is because this culture has told you not to cause issues or attract attention. It's created impossible standards, rules, and binary code to stuff you into so you can't access your True SELF. So, when these AstroWeathers call you to be a loud, inappropriate, snarky, dramatic, weirdo during Leo Season you can KNOW that's where the Magical Gifts & Tools are hiding. Reach out and grab them because we all need to break free of these restrictions and BE OUR TRUE SELF before it's too late and this machine swallows everything. Be a fucking weirdo.
You can check out more on the AstroWeathers for Leo Season here. And remember that I make even more detailed reports on the AstroWeathers of each week here. AND, if that's not enough, check out my new Jennifer Magazine article about finding your True SELF in Leo SZN.
I haven't been able to set up an altar for the last few months because we've been remodeling our house BUT you can bet your ass I am gonna set up a Leo Season altar! This energy is way too pretty not to get something together. I'll come back and share a photo. I'd love to see your altars too!
First Quarter Moon in Scorpio | July 25, 2023 | 15:06pst | 2º43'
The AstroWeathers For This Lunation
We're coming out of those intense Mercury squares to Jupiter and Uranus and it's gonna smash into that Retrograde Venus coming back for more Uranus and Jupiter Squares. When Mercury and Venus get connected under the same AstroWeathers, we can look for big, huge, vital messages about the value of our relationships or our communication skills to come through. Of course, Venus is Retrograde during this dance so the messages may not come into focus until after Venus completes this journey in October. Pay attention to the details your chart reveals; what Houses hold your Leo and Taurus energy? That's where these messages may show up for you.
As we read the chart of this lunation we see that it's a Scorpio Rising Chart and this means that Mars is driving the lunation. We find Mars in Virgo so even tho Mars and Mercury can't see each other in the chart they are both very concerned with what's happening here. The Moon in Scorpio is ruled by Mars and this lunation is also happening on Tuesday which is Mars' day of the week. Mars could have a lot of strength… except it's in Virgo where it's just kinda meh. IF it gets aggravated or activated we may see some tension. Look out for fights or arguments to break out. They will probs be rooted in a misunderstanding or because someone feels attacked when the intention was just good advice being offered up (unsolicited? Most likely.) This may be with a romantic partner but with this chart, a “boss or leader” in your life may be most likely. There may be some words shared that cause big harms and require bigger apologies. With Pluto setting this vibrating square to The Nodes the same day as this exact lunation we're experiencing some of the most intense weathers out there. Make sure you check out the AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead for each week so you can hear more about each of the big ass transits of the week in more detail (watch the videos)
RITUAL | Look back at your New Moon in Cancer intentions. What do you notice about them now that you're standing in the Leo Sunlight? Do you still want these things or do you need to shift anything? Take time to edit your intentions. It's okay to recalibrate your SELF, especially during a lunation like this. The connection between Leo and Scorpio is deep and the tension comes when we try to shine our heart lights endlessly without doing our ShadowWeRK. This First Quarter Moon is always a chance to check in on your Shadowiest ShadowWeRK.
Are you committed to this important Magic?
Are you leaning into the hard parts, asking for help, and making compost for the collective as you get down with your Shadow?
This is a great lunation for recalibrating this too. Make sure you're doing this or the Universe will just keep giving your more uncomfortable opportunities to do it. When you have a new list of intentions, edited via deep ShadowWeRK, take that list and write one action item for each intention. Like, what action can you do today to move closer to those intentions?
Spend the next five days DOING those actions. What happens when you try to get this shit done? What happens when you try but then you just can't do it? What's getting in your way? Is it you getting in your own way? Or, is there something happening to stop you? Are you judging yourself for the answer to this question?
Remember there's no fucking capitalism in your Moon Rituals. There's no right or wrong way to do this. Setting intentions is not making a commandment to actually do that very specific thing. It's an opportunity to have a conversation with your inner voice, your intuition. The best ShadowWeRK appears when we get stuck. The Magical Gifts and Tools are found when we see everything as useful and purposeful, even the discomfort (especially the discomfort). Everything is a message, everything is an opportunity.
After you get thru this process make sure you reflect on what you learned and noticed. You'll need that info for your Full Moon WeRk.
Natal Chart of The First Quarter Moon
Full Moon in Aquarius | August 1, 2023 | 11:31pst | 9º16'
The AstroWeathers For This Lunation
This lunation occurs on the same day that Mercury in Virgo sets an opposition to Saturn (Retrograde) in Pisces. You may still see those arguments and miscommunications that occurred during the First Quarter Moon continue or even get sharper. Saturn Retrograde in Pisces wants us to find ritual and structure in the mysteries; like maybe our oldest ancestors used to do. There is a lot of spiritual energy calling during
this lunation as we also see The Sun setting a square to Jupiter in Taurus too. The expansion of SELF could lead us to some powerful spiritual truths. The Houses activated by this Full Moon will reveal a lot so make sure you take the time to look into these Houses while they're under this bright light.
This chart is ruled by Venus so a little extra reflection into the Venus Retrograde cycle may offer you some unexpected, added value to your Full Moon WeRK. Please remember that Full Moons are NOT for release WeRK, they're for reflections and gratitude. See where you are, especially if you did all that ShadowWeRK you discovered during the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio. And, even if you didn't do that ShadowWeRK yet this Full Moon isn't judging you, it's just asking you to LOOK at what you did do and find gratitude for where you are and what you know RIGHT NOW.
With The Sun in Leo hitting in the 11th House in this chart we'll find that Aquarius Moon in the 5th House. That means we need to go do something fun with friends. Get out there with the folx you find to be the most fun and do something creative or just plain silly with them. There are Magical Gifts and Tools hidden in the weirdest possible party tricks.
RITUAL | Acknowledge where you are and what you know right now. See all the value in your current state and situation. Be grateful for at least one thing and notice if that's hard because it's okay if it is. When you see where you are you can make a decision about what needs to change or GTFO of your life when the Last Quarter Moon arrives next week. It's possible some of these releases will be connect to the relationships that were highlighted over the last two weeks. Those fights and arguments, those fun, silly friends. Take some time to write down a list of what you think needs to be released and what needs to be tended to. You'll need this list next week when it's time to doing the cutting and release WeRK.
Once you finish that, walk right up to a mirror, look your SELF in the eyes and do the weirdest fucking dance you can manage. Do this without breaking eye contact. Take some time to journal about how that feels and what happens before, during and after.
Natal Chart of The Full Moon
Last Quarter Moon in Taurus | August 8, 2023 | 3:28pst | 15º39'
The AstroWeathers For This Lunation
This lunation is sandwiched between a Leo Sun Square to Jupiter in Taurus and a retrograde Venus in Leo Square to Uranus in Taurus soooooo… there's some big work to do in this part of our charts.
Looking at the chart of the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus we see Cancer in the First House. This means this chart is ruled by The Moon in Taurus in the 11th House.
What a great energy for examining and reevaluating what you you discovered last week during the Full Moon in Aquarius. The Last Quarter Moon is for activating those releases AND for noticing if you've changed your mind about anything since last week too. It's okay to change your mind and it's okay to not be ready once the time for cutting arrives. Releasing your SELF from this mindset that it's all or nothing all the time is an act of rebellion against this toxic system. If you reach a point of questioning your SELF, do your ShadowWeRK and ask your SELF those three big questions… What was the intension you set for letting ______ go? What was the why for releasing _____? Were you going to let this go for the benefit of your True SELF or for another, misaligned reason?
Sit with your answers and never forget that you know your SELF and you can trust your SELF ever again.
RITUAL | Once you decide what needs to be let go, write it all down on a piece of paper. I like to use red or gold ink during a Leo Moon. Take that list and burn it. I like to do this safely, over a fire. proof bowl or fireplace so I can collect the ashes. You'll want to do this because burning these ashes in the earth somewhere will give you an added boost of compost for the Dark and New Moon cycles ahead.
Natal Chart of The Last Quarter Moon
Dark Moon in Cancer | August 12 -15
The AstroWeathers For This Lunation
During this Dark Moon, The Sun in Leo will join that retrograde Venus in Leo as The Moon goes completely dark. This is an excellent time to review your Cancer Season WeRK AND any themes you noticed during the Venus Retrograde Shadow which started as The Sun entered Cancer. This WeRK is connected and there are so many valuable gifts in Venus' retrograde cycle, it's worth taking a look.
The Dark Moon is also a great time for deep, deep ShadowWeRK so let your SELF slide into Cancer's realm of Emotional Magic to see if you earned any Magical Gifts and Tools from that toolbox during Cancer Season. Let the feelings flow as they come thru always remembering that feeling your feels is an act of Sweet Rebellion.
RITUAL | Always remember that Dark Moons are intended to give us a little break. This lunation is for introspection and Banishment Magic. If you reach the Dark Moon phase and you're absolutely certain that everything you released during the Last Quarter Moon was ready to GTFO you can add a little boost of Banishment Magic to that ritual. Keep it simple and head back out to where you buried your ashes and hold your hands over the dirt and say, “I banish _____ from my life”. It's that easy.
New Moon in Leo | August 16, 2023 | 2:38pst | 23º17'
The AstroWeathers For This Lunation
The Moon will be joining The Sun in a Square to Uranus in Taurus just as it becomes New again. This is important due to the fact that the chart of this lunation is Cancer Rising, making The Moon the post powerful energy in the chart.
We find The Moon, The Sun and Venus (retrograde) in Leo in the Second House in this chart. This energy really ties up the overall theme of Leo Season so perfectly because the Second House is where we find our self-worth, values, and the assets we bring to the table in life. There is a big part of your True Self often hidden in this House. It's hidden because this culture has been telling us all that our True SELF isn't good enough. It tells us it's too weird, too deviant, to dangerous and it threatens us with excommunication and abandonment if we refuse to conform by hiding it. This New Moon is a very, very powerful portal to reclaiming it. Are you ready to set some intentions around doing just that?
RITUAL | Review your Leo Season Moon WeRK so far. Notice what was easy and what was hard. Look back at any uncomfortable arguments or issues you had with others. Reconsider how your relationships are going, especially under these Venus Retrograde weathers. What did you activate during the Lion's Season? What did you find value in? What did you release? Did you banish anything? Notice how much fuel you have charged up doing your ShadowWeRK during The Season of The Sun. Are you ready to set intentions that now honor and align with your True SELF? As you write down your intentions for the WeRK you're about to do in Virgo Season know you're on the right track for those intentions if you feel very proud, strong, brave and weird AF. Those are signs that you did your Leo SZN WeRK. And, if you're not there yet, never fear… the cycle goes around and around for a reason. We always get more opportunities. We always have room to make changes AND mistakes. Do both with pride MoonBeams, you're worthy of it!
Take careful notes in your WeRKbooks or journals and remember to go back to your Leo Season Moon Rituals Reflection page to jot down a summary of your experiences. This will help you out a ton next year when The Sun comes back here and gives you another chance to do your best Leo WeRK!
Natal Chart of The New Moon
Guess what MoonBeams?! I am now a published author in a radical new magazine, Jennifer Magazine. I am so honored and excited to be part of this disruptive and influential publication.
For Leo Season I wrote an article about the power of reconnecting with your true Self. It's a powerful perspective on self love and why it's so important we do the WeRK to reclaim that. It will be published on July 20th. I hope you'll check it out.
Subscribe to receive more delicious content from Jennifer Magazine too!

I hope you enjoyed this ritual series as much as I enjoyed creating them!
If you have any questions please reach out in the comments below OR message me.
I'd also love to see photos of your Magical altars, rituals and creations. You can send them to me OR if you share them on the socials please @ or # AstroArtistry so we can see what you're WeRking on.
Happy Mooning MoonBeams!
xo, d.