Happy Magical New Year MoonBeams!
We've reached the middle of the darkness, the underneath, the bottom of the cycle. How does that make you feel?
If the patriarchy got their messaging right you might feel scared, worried, uncertain, and resistant to the Dark. We need to ask why this is the messaging? Why do you think the "powers that be" want us to fear the Dark?
These last 4-5 years have been slowly peeling back layer after layer of oppression and whiteness in spirituality and Magic. Nothing is free from the toxicity of whiteness. And much of the information and power we need to fight back against this toxic poison of whiteness is hidden in the Dark. This Darkness is calling many of us to step back into that power. Many of us are scared of this calling and we don’t know what it will mean if we show up shrouded in Darkness in this white-centered world.
This is a topic I know I am supposed to talk about, especially the last few weeks as Mercury has been Retrograde at the very bottom of my chart, touching my Pluto and the Pluto in the sky in a very inTENSE way. It asks me to review my relationships with Darkness & Shadow. BUT/AND it’s hard WeRK and I know there is great resistance to facing the truth that whiteness IS absolutely present and predominant in our Magical practices and programs.
I created this newsletter about Magic as part of my WeRK to dismantle and reframe the toxic whitewashed spirituality that’s sprung up all around. Maybe you’ve noticed it, maybe you haven’t but it’s there. It needs to be pulled up from the roots now and this starts with A Little Shadow Magic.
During this Dark Season, I invite you to join me in the ComMOONity group as I open a new Circle called, all that witch shit.

In this Circle we can start this discussion and discover some new tools for the process of unlearning and dismantling the weapons of whiteness that have taken root in Magical practices and spaces. It won't be an easy journey but I cannot deny this is now part of my WeRK. As a white person, I cannot show up inauthentically, and continuing to deny these issues violates my integrity.
I am fully aware that discussing these things can make us all uncomfortable. I am aware that many Magical people desperately want Magical Spaces to be immune to racism, capitalism, bias, and patriarchal systems but nothing and no one is immune to this slithering poison; it’s woven into everything. The longer we pretend it’s not already there, the longer it's going to take remove the toxin and begin the healing process.
I am also fully aware that much of what I create is directed at white people and that that might make my WeRK feel inaccessible to nonwhite people. But, the reality is that this space is predominantly populated by white people. I wish that was different but I see how that further proves my point.This is typical in all the Magical spaces I've been in, studied in, and WeRKed in. For me, that is because I have always lived in the Pacific Northwest and it is a seriously segregated and subversively racist region. I've built spaces carefully and intentionally but they are still predominately populated by white people. One of the things I want to unpack in this Circle is why that's been true and continues to be true now. I imagine that this may be true for many of you too.
Right now I feel like white people need to do the wOrk of pulling apart all the threads of their (mostly appropriated and stolen) spiritual practices and dig deeper into themselves and their ancestral lineages to reframe and rewrite the myths, traditions, and archetypes to be more in tune with our present.
In this new Circle we will discuss ways we can pull those threads and unfuck our conditioning to make room for new spiritual practices that are uniquely our own. I have conversations with many white people, mostly white women, about how they are struggling to validate their Magic. They often ask me to teach them and after a very rough experience with Mystery Schools and countless hours learning from books (mostly written by white people), it’s clear that we need to embrace the truth that Magic is already inside of us and in order to cleanse the toxins we must let go of the idea that our ancestors are the only ones who know Magic.
I hope you'll find these newsletters bring you closer to finding your own unique Magical Gifts & Tools while also helping you dismantle and reframe your own relationship with Magic AND with racism, patriarchy, and capitalism as weapons of whiteness.
And, to clarify, I am NOT an expert on this WeRK or this process we’re about to enter together.
I am not the teacher or an elevated member in this process. I do not want you to think that I am going to educate you while you simply receive the information I have curated for you. Don’t think that I have any idea how this process will wOrk. No one is an expert on this process because this toxic whiteness is just starting to be noticed and called out in Magical spaces and practices. Whiteness has slithered into spaces where most of the members consider themselves counterculture or progressive, including Magical Spaces. THAT is why we need to double down on reviewing these spaces and holding our selves and each other accountable for what happens in our spaces and practices.
I didn’t create the ComMOONity as another power-over space where I tell YOU how to do. Magic is meant to be collective, creative and cooperative. It’s also meant to be private, personal and individualized. BOTH are real. We can have discussions, ask questions, share info we find interesting and hopefully have civil discourse about what we find.
Uprooting the current systems is going to fucking suck. There is no way to skip over it or make it nice and palatable. If that’s what you’re seeking there are literally millions of white women who will happily take your money for a course that never mentions racism, patriarchy or capitalism. They won’t mention it because they benefit from it. And, if you’re white and would rather work with that type of program… so do you.
Take note that I am not a nice witch. I am not ever going to skip over these things. If you’re uncomfortable that’s good. If you can’t see your self moving thru that to find a new way of embracing your Magic… you’re not ready for this.
If you know others who are ready please invite them to join us in this new Circle. If you have questions or need further info or support, please reach out to me.
I will not dumb it down or be less. Please don’t ask me to. I love you even if you decide you’re not ready, willing or able to move forward into this ShadowWeRK -but- I hope to see you there.
Take care of YOU Babes!
xo, d.
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