This is first draft... I may edit & embellish over the next few weeks as this energy ripens & my master, the planet Saturn, allows me time to do so...
Every single way we have been indoctrinated to follow traditions or uphold the status quo will be broken down on a molecular level over the next 20 years.
That seems like a really long time but in the timeline of the collective, it's a flash.
This WeRK is not for us. It's no longer for the ancestors either, that's what we did with Pluto in Capricorn - we remembered who we were & we fought to reclaim the power they held before capitalism stole their identities & dominated, oppressed, & controlled them. We found every bone in the body of the death machine and now that Pluto is in Aquarius we must break every one of those bones. We must grind them into dust & cast them out into the wind. We must see that dust as zillions of seeds for the future.
This will be the death of an empire and (because HIStory tells us so)...this will be devastating WeRK. Death is always devastating.
But, it is also required.
It is imperative.
It is inevitable.
It is universal.
It is something we all share.
It is beautiful, powerful, and a precious gift.
One of the biggest acts of revolution we can commit during the first part of this new era is to profoundly and permanently change the way we do death. The way we feel, think, understand, and embrace it. We need to unfuck our minds from this belief that death is bad, scary, or something to resist. We need to give up this idea that it could or should be understood. We need to embrace that nothing on this planet is wasted or lost. We must break the binary thinking that's at the root of our relationship with death and with everything inside the empire. We are so much deeper and important than that. We must embrace death because when we do we cannot be controlled by the fear of the unknown. We cannot be forced to assimilate or to sacrifice our time for bullshit things we don't really want. We also can never allow another life to be stolen when we honor how temporary everything is.
These first few weeks of Pluto in Aquarius will likely bring a forceful opportunity for each of us to ponder death. Some of us may face it personally but the truth is many of us have witnessed more death in the last 400+ days than anyone should ever see. If you've been a brave witness to the genocide of the Palestinian people, the Sudanese People, the Congolese People then you've probably thought we've been desensitized to death... try to reframe that into, "We are not afraid of death now". Try to reframe that into an understanding that we are all connected in life and death and allowing these atrocities will no longer stand when we are all unafraid to stand in the face of the death machine and say, "Go ahead and take me, there will be more standing right behind me"
And, if you're not there yet, this transit will bring you to that edge. It will take us all to the gate of the Underworld. It will introduce us to Persephone and Pluto. It will begin a process of weighing our hearts and challenging us to change so much we don't recognize a single part of life, individually or collectively, on the other side.
At first, all of this will probably sound terrifying. If you're terrified, that's good. That means Pluto is vibing you, pushing you, calling you. If you're not terrified you probably have a longer journey ahead & it might be good to dip out of my website & seek some education about the roots of capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and the rise of the Fourth Reich called merikkka. I am gonna talk about that shit in the only way I can. I am gonna talk about all of this like someone who has a Cardinal Grand Cross; someone who is Cancer Rising with a Capricorn Moon, Venus, Descendant, and Mercury. Someone who has Pluto in Libra Square that Cap Moon/Venus. Someone with Jupiter in Aries. I have been thru Pluto's transit in Capricorn... my soul has ached, morphed, broken open & now I am emerging as a completely new being BUT/AND I also have an Aquarius Sun square Uranus in Scorpio so it's not like I get a break or anything. Nope. I'm only gonna get more honest and I don't actually give a fuck if that's hard for anyone... not that I really cared before... but now I know it's urgent & I take responsibility for that calling. It's my WeRK to say what's on my mind and my heart. It's gonna come out wrapped up in Saturnian energy and it will fuck up your life in the best ways. My intentions are always for the greater good.
I do this WeRK for the descendants now.
I am here for the future but I am also open to meeting anyone at the gate of the underworld if they are ready to usher in the death of this empire. I am a Death Doula for that fall. I invite you into this journey with me... are you ready to fuck some shit up in unique and weird ways?
Let's go.... but first, lets look back at the previews of Pluto in Aquarius to see if we noticed any themes. Check out this blog post from 2023 to see the dates of Pluto's pops into Aquarius over the last 18 months or so. Look back at what was dying in your life during these foreshadowing periods.
If you notice any big alignments or things that make your soul ache it can be helpful to start a Pluto in Aquarius journal. This is a twenty year cycle so we're gonna be WeRKing with this energy for a generation.
If you have big Aquarius placements (Sun, Moon, Rising) you may notice this shift more. Take time to learn what House Aquarius contains in your chart. Learn those House themes. You're likely gonna see some big transformations in this part of your chart.
I know I'll be writing more about this as Pluto in Aquarius makes its first aspects in its new dwelling; especially that Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer that will aspect Pluto THREE fucking times during that cycle. That's gonna be...something to talk about over several blogs, videos, maybe even a group chat, or some such thing. Oooofff, for my chart, damn.
I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'd love to know if you want to participate in discussions. I am not in a place where I am able to host a lot of regular chats or to create a lot of regular content but I am going to do my gentle best to share info. If you find interesting posts or content about Pluto in Aquarius, please share it. I am hoping to create a core group of AstroNerds & AstroCurious folx who want to talk more about this era.
I am of course open to anyone who is AstroCurious too, that wasn't meant to sound like I only want to chat with folx who are super Astro knowledgable. I don't even believe that's real, so please reach out if you have anything to share.
My contact info is at the bottom of the page BUT please don't mail me thangs.. that address is being changed :)
Okay, that's the first post now that Pluto is in Aquarius AND the first post I've made in a very long time. Expect to see me more here, posting blogs content on my website. I am pulling back from socials so I won't share regular updates or posts there. Soon I won't share anything at all inside the mettamonster (can we please boycott that shitbox now??)
Love you all & may your fear be replaced by JOY, excitement, & Imagination Magic for the future we all deserve.
xo, d